Fraser Woods Montessori
Faculty Evaluation& Development
Committee for 2016-17
Meeting Schedule
Faculty Evaluation (Wendy)
Report Card (Karen)
Schedule (Gina)
All School Faculty & Staff Meeting
Faculty Meeting
Committee Meeting
Grade Level Meeting
August Work Week
Taking time off
FWM Weekly
1. Meet with Chris
2. Complete an online Absentee Form
3. Let team members know you will be absent
Leaving campus
School Hours
Change phone message
Give 2 weeks notice before changing a class/ canceling a class/ taking a space.
Share pertinent information with your team and with the office.
Respond to parents within 24 hours
When unsure, make the call home
Read the FWM Weekly
Head's Evaluation for Faculty & Staff
Part 1:
Goals Meetings
Cell Phones
1. Schedule with Chris before Oct. 15th
2. Complete Goals Sheet
3. Meet Mid-Year
4. Meet between May - June for End of Year Goals Meeting
Part II: Observations
10-15 minute visits
System for timely feedback
Rubric to include Montessori criteria