USS Arizona Memorial
The Entry Room
Hannah Shephard
Wednesday, June Tenth, 2015
Vol XCIII, No. 311
The USS Arizona Memorial: An Overview
Meaning Behind the Memorial
The Assembly Room
View of the Sunken Ship
- Architect Alfred Preis
- Spans 184 feet over the mid portion
- Only accessible by boat
- Three main rooms
- Gracefully floating
- Symbolic meaning to abstract architecture
- "Squashed milk carton"
- Sunken in the middle, rising at both sides
The Shrine Room
- Oahu, Hawaii
- The exact location where the USS Arizona went down on December 7, 1941
- Standing above the ship
"Wherein the structure sags in the center but stands strong and vigorous at the ends, expresses initial defeat and ultimate victory....The overall effect is one of serenity. Overtones of sadness have been omitted to permit the individual to contemplate his own personal responses...his innermost feelings."
The History Behind Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona
- December 7, 1941
- America placed embargo on Japan
- Japan seeks to crush their main threat: America
- General Hideki Tojo
- 21 ships damaged including the USS Arizona
- 1000 bodies
- Half of total casualties
- Trapped bodies
- Sacrafice
USS Arizona or Pearl Harbor?
Jumpstarting the Support Process
- Eisenhower signs legislature 1958
- Fallen soldiers of the Pacific or just the soldiers of the USS Arizona
- Arizona for location
- Overall memorial for all military personnel of Pearl Harbor
- Finished in 1961, dedicated 1962
- Fun Fact
- Mr. Tucker Gratz
- Admiral Arthur Radford
- Controversy due to Korean War
- Civilians and soldiers annoyed
The USS Arizona Memorial, located off the island of Oahu, Hawaii, serves to commemorate the United States servicemen who perished during the attack on Pearl Harbor and allows present generations to comprehend and appreciate a tragedy that was influential to the history of the United States.
Serving not only as a sacred shrine, but also as an educational experience, the memorial preserves the history of World War II and honors those who bravely gave their lives for us.
A Memorable Experience
Elvis Presley Benefit Concert
- Educate and honor
- Dedication of time
- More than just an educational experience
- Rusty remains and shrine room
- 1,177 names provide a visual representation of the sacrifice
- Preserve history
"Upon this sacred spot, we honor the specific heros who surrendered their lives... While they were in full bloom, so that we could have our full share of tomorrows."
-Olin F. Teague, Chairman, Veterans Affairs Committee
As For the Veterans...
- 337 survivors
- Constant reminder
- "Black tears"
- Veterans who survived can choose to have remains interned within the ship