About the Special K Diet:
The Special K Challenge promotes quick weight loss through portion control at snacks and two of your daily meals. But it makes no recommendations about the content or size of the third meal. The Special K Challenge is a simple, affordable diet plan that uses familiar foods most people enjoy. Dieters can choose from among a wealth of Special K cereals, bars, enhanced waters, and shakes.
The End
Pros and Cons
How much does the Special K Diet cost?
- The Special K diet cost would vary depending upon how much cereal you plan to eat at a sitting, the proportion you eat will depend on how much you weigh and your calorie intake needed daily.
- A box of Special K cereal can cost you anywhere between $3-5. So if you go through a box of cereal a week, you will be looking at $3-5 a week or $20 a month at maximum.
- The Special K Challenge can be rather expensive with the bars costing around $1 to $2.50 per serving.
- You could lose up to 6 pounds in 2 weeks.
- It is a simple meal plan which is easy to follow. .
- The Special K Challenge is a temporary weight loss plan. .
- The Special K Challenge can be rather expensive with the bars costing around $1 to $2.50 per serving.
- Does not fulfill hunger for extended period of time.
Why does the Special K Diet appeal to the public?
The Special K Diet is appealing because it is simple and claims to provide the quick results that you desire. This diet is quick and easy to grab on the go. Instead of going to a fast-food restaurant or cooking a huge, calorie-packed meal, you can just eat a Special K cereal bar or a shake.
Special K Diet
What are potential flaws with the Special K Diet?
BY: Stephanie Farmer, Paige Wilcher, and Dalton Rucker
- The Special K Challenge is a temporary weight loss plan.
- Does not fulfill hunger for extended period of time.
- Most Special K products are not whole grain, and they tend to be low in fullness-promoting fiber and protein.
- If you return to your regular diet, the weight can come back quickly.