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Transnational Feminisms

emerges in Western feminism through:

Assumptions that we know how to “fix” other countries

Attempts to “save brown women from brown men” (Spivak).


constructing white, Western experience as the Center and all other cultures as other; privileging a white point of view.

White solipsism

MacKinnon, "Are Women Human?"

What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and why does MacKinnon cite it?

Western Privilege

  • What is privilege?

  • How does it function geographically?

What are some of the reasons that MacKinnon questions women's perceived humanness?


  • Based on today's readings and discussion, what are some guiding principles for discussing, analyzing, and writing about women around the world?

Uma Narayan on "culture" in Western discourse

What would it mean to consider "woman" synonymous with "human"?

  • "package picture"
  • culture belongs to the Other
  • culture as dysfunctional, patriarchal


Models of international feminist inquiry

Map It!

Feminist solidarity


  • What are the CEDAW, GDI, &GGI, & why do they matter?
  • What are some of the ways that women are "kept in their place"?
  • How does geography affect these issues?

Geographic terminology

  • First World/Third World*
  • Developed/developing*
  • Western/non-Western
  • Global North/South
  • One-Third/Two-Thirds World

"The Danger of a Single Story"

What does Adichie's talk suggest about the impact that stories have on us?

Can you think of any stories about other countries or cultures that have had a particular impact on you?

What dominant narratives circulate about "African culture" in Western discourse? How does Adichie's story complicate them?

How does power shape storytelling?

What kinds of stories do we tell about American culture?

What is this class about, exactly?

How women’s lives around the world are shaped by institutions, such as the government and the media, and systems, such as sexism and racism.

How seemingly diverse and distant countries are connected through transnational flows of capital, labor, politics, and activism

Transnational feminism:

analyzes the ways that processes such as globalization, nationalism, and modernization create connections—but NOT equal ones—among cultures and nation-states across the world.

How women all over the world have engaged in many forms of activism.

Mohanty, "Under Western Eyes":

Discussion Questions

What are Mohanty's three major criticisms of Western feminism?

Mohanty, "Under Western Eyes":


  • "third world woman"
  • Western feminist discourse
  • universalization
  • Others?

Why is Mohanty skeptical about the usefulness of "women" as a category of analysis?

How does the depiction of "Third World women" differ from that of "First World women" within Western feminist discourse?

"A place on the map is also a place in history."--Adrienne Rich

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