- World War I
- Shear magnitude of war never seen
- 70 million mobilized
- 22 wounded in action
- 15 killed in action
- Freudian Theory:
- Psychoanalysis
- A systematized set of theories about human behavior and the mind
- ID - The basic instinctual drive. Repository of sexual and aggressive wishes – drives / also the repressed
- EGO - Composed of forces that serve to oppose the drives.
- SUPEREGO - Conscience, values, ideas, shame and guilt.
- Electricity (lights)
- Radios
- Cameras
- Movies
- Liberation of women
- Prohibition
- Jazz Age
- Speakeasies, nightclubs, fashion, dancing, law breaking, smoking, drugs, advertising, and fashion:
- A lust for material prosperity is born
- Populations in urban areas boom
Three Tenants of the American Dream
1. Belief in America as a bountiful Eden
2. Unwavering faith in progress
3. Confidence in the triumph of the individual
American authors known as expatriates often moved to France in attempt to live a life that believed was more cultured
Ernest Hemingway Gertrude Stein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ezra Pound, Sherwood Anderson and more...
- Writing: much like the art of Picasso attempts an abstract lens
- Concerned with experimental forms of prose and poetry
- Stream of Consciousness
Psychological impact of this mechanization?
Intellectual Movements
- Technological advancements allow for unchecked brutality in warfare
- War torn Landscapes appear Hellish
- "No Man's Land" and Shell Shock
- World views drastically change
- “The veil is lifted”
Structural Theory
Reaction to Concepts
- Indicates a lack of free will in human behavior
- Mines
- Tanks
- Aircraft
- Poison gas
- Naval gunfire
- Artillery
- Machine guns
Modernism Definition
Modern Art
Major Influences of 1920's
New Technology - changed the structure of family farms and labor practices
First Major Conflict Abroad
1914-1945: Between two World Wars is often referred to as a tragic coming of age
- "Big Boom" Business flourished
- College enrollment doubled
- Americans enjoy the highest standard of living in the world
- Concept of the "American Dream" is born
Changed the American landscape & cultural norms and attitudes
Americans Enjoy All Things Modern
- Emphasis on bold experimentation in style and form reflecting the fragmentation of society
- Rejection of traditional themes and subjects
- Sense of disillusionment and loss of faith in the American Dream
- Rejection of the ideal of the hero as infallible in favor of a hero who is flawed and disillusioned but shows grace under pressure
- Interest in the inner workings of the human mind, sometimes expressed through new techniques such as stream of consciousness
The Harlem Renaissance
The Lost Generation
Literary Response
Modernism in American Literature