for Your Attention
- Ali, A.; Kallo, C. L.; Singh, U. B., "preventing lost circulation in severly depleted unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs" , paper SPE/IADC 21917 , Amsterdam, March 1991.
- Jaeger, J.C., and cook, N.G.W.: Fundamentals of rock mechanics, Chapman and Hall, London, 1979.
- Drilling Fluids and its additives.
- Drilling Fluids additives.
Using the newly developed deformable sealant (DS) in highly depleted, tight and low permeable sands in parallel with shale formations.
- Drilling in highly depleted, tight and low permeable sands and Shale formations have many severe problems such as mud losses, differential sticking and NPT.
- Using the newly developed deformable sealant (DS) seals the highly depleted sand rapidly and effectively and control shale while drilling with WBM.
Liquid LCM;
a breakthrough in preventing &
curing mud losses & shale
control with case study.
Made by:
Mina Hany Edward
In field 'X' :
- While drilling a well 'Y' in a geological setting of highly depleted, tight and low permeable sand and over-pressured shale.
- Shale can be as high as 14,000 Psi
- Depleted sands can be as low as 350 Psi
This increases the risk of mud losses and differential sticking.
Difficult logging & Complex casing design.
Occurrence of Lost circulation, differential sticking and excessive drilling costs in the past.
Case Study
Economical View
Liquid LCM
- Reduce NPT associated with mud losses and stuck pipes.
- Effectively seal highly depleted formations.
- Simplify casing design.
- Simplify logging.
- Mentain well bore stability in pressured shale sections.
- Use of WBM for environmental reasons.
6.Applications of Liquid LCM (DS).
a. Liquid LCM (DS) can be added to WBM
at 2 to 4% volume to increase the
fracture initiation pressure.
b. Liquid LCM (DS) can effectively seal
depleted low permeability sands.
(Laboratory tests)
c. When drilling through series of highly
depleted sands, this new mud system
used to prevent, rather than to cure
lost of circulation.
d. Reduced mud losses and prevent
differential sticking.
1.The increase in drilling costs.
2.The role of mud losses and shale instability.
3.The conventional LCM.
4.Inadequacies of conventional LCM.
5.Newly developed Deformable Sealant (DS).
6.Applications of Liquid LCM (DS).
7.Economical view.
8.Case study.
5.Newly developed Deformable Sealant (DS) Cont'
- Primary function:
- Secondary function:
- Lost circulation material.
- Features:
- Provides mechanical sealing of micro-fractures and pore throats in shale and low porosity sand.
- Particles are very narrow and small, D50 = 0.2 micron.
5.Newly developed Deformable Sealant (DS).
Due to:
- Rig.
- Casing string.
- Drill bits.
- Special service jobs:
- Cement.
- Wire-line.
- Drilling fluid "Mud".
The use of fluid management techniques, team efforts and proper engineering have lead to development of a newly developed deformable sealing agent (DS).
- Liquid deformable sealing polymer.
- White Liquid.
- Specific gravity = 1.05
- Packed in 55 gal drum or as bulk material.
1.The increase in drilling costs.
4.Inadequacies of conventional LCM.
Drilling through highly depleted sand followed by shale, causes:
- mud losses to complete loss of circulation.
- Differential sticking.
- Difficult logging.
So not able to reach the
target depth.
- Can be ineffective in depleted sand, because its too large to bridge the small pore throats in Tight sand.
-Contribute external filter cake thickness and increase the potential for pipe sticking.
2.The role of mud losses and shale instability.
3.The conventional LCM.
Lost Circulation Material is added when mud losses increase than the normal, its types:
- Flexible flakes
- Flexible fibers
- walnut granules