- There are 19 nationalites live in Shinjiang
- Uyghur nationality is the main group
Jiaohe Ruins-Ancient Infant Cemetery
More than 200 infants are
burried here. Why so many
infants were burried at a
place within the Govenment
Office area is still a big
mystery of this ancient city
Jiaohe Ruins
- All buildings were built by soil
- Has been built for two thousand years but still keep a complete outlook of city
The most perfect
ruins of the world
Sayram Lake---The last tear of the Atlantic
kanas lake——My favorate view in north of shinjiang
a beautiful place
Ili grassland-Hasake
Shinjiang is a good place worth visiting
- Xinjiang is divided into the north and the south by a mountain range
- Nature view include grassland, lake, river and historical view
- Even there are some foreign visitors but still not so much foreigner know about there.
- Trip in north of shinjiang in 2008
The view in south of shinjiang is much better than that in north of shinjiang?
Yan Lei
Shinjiang is the biggest province in China