Discourse on Western Planting 1584
by Richard Hakluyt
- convince Queen
- access to goods and land that would better England's economy
- self sufficient (wine)
- turn natives against Spain
A Briefe and True Report of the Newfoundland of Virginia, 1588
by Thomas Hariot
- furs, oil, cedar, wine, pearls, iron, copper, tobacco, silk etc.
- Hariot: "[Their religion] may bee the easier and sooner reformed"
West Country Men
- spread Christianity
- increase trade and better economy
- more land for England
- more powerful than Spain
- poverty
- crime
- lack of trade
- other Europeans moving to New World
- privateering
Discovery of Guiana, 1595
- hinted at finding gold without ever saying it
- pleasant natives
- "...in all my life, either in the Indies or in Europe, did I ever behold a more goodly or better-favoured people or a more manly".
- excited some Europeans
- other Europeans doubted his account because he did not return with gold
Virginia and Roanoke
- 1585, 1587- sent colonists to New World
- find land with good natural resources
- fertile soil
- be nice to natives
- find land easily protected
Raleigh in Guyana
- heard of the city of gold, El Dorado
- believed South America was filled with gold
- friendly to the natives
- allies with natives against Spain
- He told them he came "to defend the country of Guiana from their invasion of conquest".
- Did not return with any gold to England
Sir Walter Raleigh, 1554?-1618
By: Somya Mohindra