Ronald Reagan
- People expected Reagan, as a president, to live up to the heroic characters he portrayed in movies
- This personality didn't come across while in office, and he had to put on a persona
Active Positive
- His personality caused him to approach the presidency with enthusiasm and a drive to lead and succeed.
- he was very proactive in creating jobs after the great depression and that led to the development of the New Deal and his great success.
most likely to enjoy Presidential success
- readiness to act
- high optimism
- overall fondness of the presidency
- Harry S. Truman
- Jimmy Carter
- Gerald Ford
Passive Positive
- low self-esteem, compensated by an ingratiating personality
- superficially optimistic
- has a desire to please
Barack Obama
- William Howard Taft
- Ronald Reagan
- Warren G. Harding
- After looking at Barber's Model we decided that Obama would be a passive-positive president
- He obviously has a desire to please
- His Obama-care plan is a great example of this
Barber believed that personality played a huge role in determining whether a President will succeed or fail in office
The James David Barber Model
- Perspective has a lot to do with what category you would place a certain President in
- If the person is in a different party than you, you are more likely going to see them in more of a negative light
- If you like a candidate as a person, you will probably see them as a positive personality
Meredith, Katy, Margaret, and Jennifer
This model is outlined in the book, The Presidential Character: Predicting Performance in the White House.
Barber believes that Presidents can be categorized as having "positive" or "negative" attitudes, and as being "active" or "passive."
- Calvin Coolidge
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Active Negative
- lack of joy after deriving much effort on tasks
- aggressive
- highly rigid
- having a general view of power as a means to self-realization
- Woodrow Wilson
- Herbert Hoover
- Richard Nixon
- strong sense of duty
- low self-esteem compensated by service towards others
- an overall aversion to intense political negotiation
Passive Negative
Richard Nixon
- His long career as a military leader leads to his strong sense of duty
- He was a really aggressive President
- The majority of laws passed during his presidency had to do with war and service to others
- His Active Negative attitude make him prone to failure
- His aggressive nature make him do whatever was necessary to be re-elected
- Example: Watergate
Dwight D. Eisenhower