- This hospital has a fine reputation
- No one here would lie to you But Dr. B. is a very able psychiatrist.
13-Indicating the Existence of an External source
- What makes you say that who told
- You that you were Jesus?
- What made you do that?
15-Making stereotyped comments
- Nice weather we’re having.
- I’m fine and how are you?
- It’s for your own good.
- Keep your chin up
- Just listen to your doctor and take part in activities-you’ll be home in no time.
Non-therapeutic communication Techniques
14-Belittling feelings Expressed
- Pt. I have nothing to live for …….
- I wish I was dead.
- Nurse everybody gets down in the dumps.
- Or. I’ve felt that way some times
12-Requesting an Explanation
- Why do you think that?
- Why do you feel this way?
- Why did you do that?
Non-therapeutic communication Techniques
Prepared and present by
University of Karbala / college of nursing / Instructor assistance /Safi Dakhil Nawam / 2015-2016
Essential of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Concepts of Care in Evidence-Based Practice 4 addition
- I wouldn’t worry a bout ……..
- Everything will be all right
- You’re coming along fine ……
2-Giving Approval
- That’s good ……
- I’m glad that you…..
- I think you should …….
- Why don’t you…….
- Let’s not discuss ……..
- I don’t want to hear a bout…..
- That’s wrong …..
- I definitely disagree with ……..
- I don’t believe that ………
- Now tell me about……
- Tell me your life history…..
- That’s bad………..
- I’d rather you wouldn’t
- That’s right…….
- I agree………
- What day is this?
- Do you know what kind of a hospital is this?
- Do you still have the idea that?
- But how can you be president of the united states?
- If you’re dead why is your heart beating.
17-Using Denial
- Pt. I’m nothing
- Nurse of course you’re something.
- Every body is something
16-Giving Literal responses
- Pt. They’re looking in my head With television.
- Nurse. Try not to watch Television or with what channel?
18- Interpreting
- What you really mean is………
- Unconsciously you’re saying…
19- Introducing an Unrelated topic
- Pt. I’d like to die
- Nurse did you have visitors this weeks end?