XYY syndrome is a genetic condition in which a human male has an extra male (Y) chromosome.
A chromosome is the threadlike part of the cell that carries hereditary information in the form of genes. The normal human genetic complement consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes.
Women have two X Chromosomes and men usually have an X and a Y chromosome. However, in 1 in 500 to 1,000 live male births, an individual has an extra Y chromosome. This abnormality is characterized by tallness and severe acne and sometimes by skeletal malformations and mental deficiency.
XYY chromosomal disorder is caused by the presents of an extra Y chromosome. Normally males have 46 chromosomes including one X and one Y.
Males with XYY disorder have 47 chromosomes, with an extra Y chromosome. This is caused by a cell division error in the sperm cell before conception.
Though the abnormality can be easily diagnosed using a blood test.
In 1961, some social scientists proposed a link between the abnormality and aggressive and impulsive behavior. This "supermale" syndrome seemed confirmed when studies of prison populations showed the presence of the abnormality to be significantly higher than in the regular population.
XYY Abnormality Defense
Armed with the studies of XYY chromosomal abnormalities, defense attorneys sought to use the XYY chromosomal abnormality as a criminal defense theory.
Defense attorneys believe that a client with an XYY Chromosomal abnormality should be excused of their legal responsibilities for any criminal action.
The courts have rejected the defense because of the lack of conclusiveness of scientific evidence regarding the theory of criminality.
How Does This Relate to Law?
What is XYY Chromosomal Abnormality?
This gives them a total of 47 chromosomes instead of the more usual 46. This produces a 47,XYY karyotype, which occurs in 1 in 1,000 male births.
XYY Chromosomal Abnormality
James Smyth and Nick Knecht