Action Research Methodology
Initial Survey
Face to Face
Session 4 - Collaboration
Face to Face
Session 2
- To participants
- Identify CPD next steps - restart action research process
- To identify participants
- To identify focus of CPD project
- 1/2 day - collaborative sharing of practice
- 1/2 day - updating action plan
- 1/2 day - theory on identified topic
- 1/2 day - action plan creation
Sagor (2005)
Stage 3: Implement action and collect data
Sagor (2005)
Stage 1: Clarify vision
Patch 4
Patch 2
- Sent to participants
- Project leaders identified
Stitching Piece 2
Stitching piece 1
Sagor (2005)
Stage 1: Clarify targets
Patch 1
Patch 3
Portfolio of 'new' practice
Portfolio of evidence of existing practice
Face to Face
Session 3
Face to Face
Session 1 - Introduction
- 1/2 day - change management training
- 1/2 day - collaborative sharing of ideas
- Evaluation of research project
- Identification of next steps
- 1/2 day - action research introduction
- 1/2 day - leadership of practice training
- Project handbook distributed
Sagor (2005)
Stage 4: Reflect on data and plan informed action
Sagor (2005)
Stage 2: Articulate appropriate theory
Patchwork Text
Change existing notions of CPD
- Patch 1 - Portfolio of existing practice
- Patch 2 - Action plan
- Reflective stitching piece 1
- Patch 3 - Portfolio of 'new' practice
- Patch 4 - Updated action plan
- Reflective stitching piece 2
- Lack of rigour
- Not detached
- Group decisions about actions can be compromises (Newby, 2010)
- Social Process
- Participatory
- Collaborative
- Emancipatory
- Critical
- Reflexive
- Transforming
(Mukherji & Albon, 2015)
- Communication must be open, unconstrained and unconstraining. (Cohen et al. 2011)