Finding 4- online censorship in China
Yupei Zhao (
University of Leicester
Finding 1
The most popular type of contribution among all Weibo user groups was the forwarding post.
Casual users contributed more forwarding posts than the other three groups combined.
Mainland users contributed more than twice as many forwarding posts as the other three categories combined.
Thanks for listening!!
Yupei Zhao
Finding 2
Casual users were the most active contributors
VIP (org) group made no comments on comments
Users from Mainland China were by far the most active contributors in all categories.
Figure 1: summary of contributions made by the four user groups
Figure 2: summary of contributions by user location
Finding 3
- There is a big gap of contributions upon discussions between ‘CCP’ and ‘Leung Chun-ying’
- It is a surprise that mainland of users (which occupied the 95.7% of all users) who are not familiar with candidates of Hong Kong but prefer to discuss them rather than CCP as well as the political system of mainland in China.
- Apart from that, among the sentiment analysis upon CCP, 75.6% are ironic expressions.
- The popular type of contribution is also forwarding.
- Typically, as for VIP of organizations, there is no contributions talking upon CCP, they only made and 14 contributions (including 2 neutralities and 12 explicit supports) upon Mr. Leung Chun-ying instead.
Topic Discussions Categories
Methodology-Research Functional Questions
Research Questions
Orientation Expressions Categories
Hong Kong
VIP of Organizations
VIP of Persons
Verbal Irony Principle
- Burgers (2011)