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The Battle of Badr in the Hereafter Sha'ban 4 AH - 626 m in January, called this battle at Badr afterlife, and micro-Badr, Badr and the second, and the Badr deadline.When Abu Sufyan and went with him on a club: "The Badr your appointment." The Messenger of God-for a man of his companions say: "Yes it is between us and you an appointment."
To date used Mohamed Mohamed peace be upon him.svg came to the city Abdullah ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Bin Salool Ansari and went out with him one thousand five hundred fighters, and was riding ten mares, carrying Major General Ali bin Abi Talib, and went down the Prophet is full and he stayed eight days waiting for father Sufyan, came out Abu Sufian of Mecca at the head of a force of three thousand fighters, and was told two thousand five hundred, thousand fighters and was told, at the same desire not to this meeting, which is expected to result many of the tribesmen and express and the people of the cities happen; the city of Mecca spent years preparing for it, It was out of Abu Sufyan attempt to intimidate and terrorize the Muslims so as not to get out and let them be the ones who abused for exit.
Battle of Suwaiq signed to Abu Sufyan went to the Mecca of the Battle of Badr came out in two hundred passengers came down the broad party and has become one night in Beni Nadeer at peace bin Mashkam Vsagah and pronounce him from the news people then become the owners and ordered to cut off Osuara of palm trees and killed a man from the Ansar and ally then repeat and returned, and vow Muhammad went out in his application and Muslims, bringing rumbling chagrin of his death, Abu Sufyan and the polytheists and threw nothing too much Ozoadhm of Suwaiq became known as the Battle of Al Suwaiq and was of the argument of the second year of migration and then returned to the city was the Normans by the father of Lubaabah.
The Siege of Ta'if took place in 630, as the Muslims besieged the city of Ta'if after their victory in the Battle of Hunayn and Autas. However, the city did not succumb to the siege. One of their chieftains, Urwah ibn Mas'ud, was absent in Yemen during that siege.Muhammad brought catapults and testudos to use against the fortress, but was unable to penetrate it, with the weapon.
Red Lion invasion occurred in the third year of migration, in the Red Lion area 20 km south of Medina. Quraish objective was to hunt down and prevent it from returning to eliminate the Muslims in the city and boost the morale of the Companions after a foray. Quraysh learned of the departure of the Prophet Muhammad and preferred to flee for fear of the Muslims who stayed 3 days in the red lion and then returned to the city.
In the first month of spring 5 H, corresponding to August / August 626 AD, Islamic troops moved under the leadership of Prophet Muhammad about the tribe otter, which was down northern tribes lion and Gtefan, within tribes Ghassanid loyal to the State of turkeys (Byzantium), and supervising the market (Jandal) famous .
Doma is located 600 kilometers north of the city of the Prophet. He said al-Hamwi in a dictionary countries they are so named relative to the fortress built by Dome bin Ismail .The Jandal: they are stones, Single: Jendlh.Based on this, the meaning of the name of the region is: "the fort, which was built in the Dome area full of stones." And it hits ideals immune Doma fort and its intensity.
The Banu Qurayza alternate spellings include Quraiza, Qurayzah, Quraytha, and the archaic Koreiza) were a Jewish tribe which lived in northern Arabia, at the oasis of Yathrib (now known as Medina), until the 7th century, when their conflict with Muhammad led to their demise.
Jewish tribes reportedly arrived in Hijaz in the wake of the Jewish-Roman wars and introduced agriculture, putting them in a culturally, economical and politically dominant position.However, in 5th century, the Banu Aws and the Banu Khazraj, two Arab tribes that had arrived from Yemen, gained dominance. When these two tribes became embroiled in conflict with each other, the Jewish tribes, now clients or allies of the Arabs, fought on different sides, the Qurayza siding with the Aws.In 622, the Islamic prophet Muhammad arrived at Yathrib from Mecca and reportedly established a compact between the conflicting parties. While the city found itself at war with Muhammad's native Meccan tribe of the Quraysh, tensions between the growing numbers of Muslims and the Jewish communities mounted.In 627, when the Quraysh and their allies besieged the city in the Battle of the Trench, the Qurayza are said to have violated a treaty with the Islamic prophet Muhammad by allying with the attacking tribes, aiming to attack Muslims from behind while the other attackers attack from the front.However, other sources state that Banu Qurayza did not appear to have committed any hostile act and had been overtly correct in their behaviour. After the Battle of the Trench ended, the tribe was besieged by the Muslims and charged with treason by a judge accepted by both parties, Sa'd ibn Mu'adh.According to Sa'd's verdict the men were beheaded, while all the women and children were taken captive and enslaved. Some scholars have challenged the veracity of this incident, arguing that it was exaggerated or invented.
Banu Salim or Banu Saleem or Bani Salim was a tribe during the Islamic prophet Muhammad's era. They participated in the Al Kudr Invasion. On Khalid ibn Walid's return from Nakhla expedition to destroy al-Uzza, Khalid bin Al-Waleed at the head of 350 horsemen of Helpers, Emigrants and Banu Saleem was despatched once again in the same year 8 A.H in the Expedition of Khalid ibn al-Walid (Banu Jadhimah) to the habitation of Bani Khuzaimah bedouins,who were Sabaeans.
The Battle of the Trench, was a 27 - day long siege of Yathrib (now Medina) by Arab and Jewish tribes. The strength of the confederate armies is estimated around 10,000 men with six hundred horses and some camels, while the Medinan defenders numbered 3,000. The battle coincided with harsh winter weather of January/February 627.
The largely outnumbered defenders of Medina, mainly Muslims led by Islamic prophet Muhammad, dug a trench, which together with Medina's natural fortifications, rendered the confederate cavalry (consisting of horses and camels) useless, locking the two sides in a stalemate. Hoping to make several attacks at once, the confederates persuaded the Muslim-allied Medinian Jews, Banu Qurayza, to attack the city from the south. However, Muhammad's diplomacy derailed the negotiations, and broke up the confederacy against him. The well-organized defenders, the sinking of confederate morale, and poor weather conditions caused the siege to end in a fiasco.
The siege was a "battle of wits", in which the Muslims tactically overcame their opponents while suffering very few casualties. Efforts to defeat the Muslims failed, and Islam became influential in the region. As a consequence, the Muslim army besieged the area of the Banu Qurayza tribe, leading to their surrender and the execution of all their men.
The defeat caused the Meccans to lose their trade and much of their prestige.
The Banu Qaynuqa (also spelled Banu Kainuka, Banu Kaynuka, Banu Qainuqa, Banu Qaynuqa, was one of the three main Jewish tribes living in the 7th century of Medina, now in Saudi Arabia. In 624, the great-grandfather of Banu Qaynuqa tribe is Qaynuqa ibn Amchel ibn Munshi ibn Yohanan ibn Benjamin ibn Saron ibn Naphtali ibn Hayy ibn Moses and they are descendant of Manasseh ibn Joseph ibn Jacob ibn Isaac son of Abraham they were expelled during the Invasion of Banu Qaynuqa, by the Islamic prophet Muhammad for breaking the treaty known as the Constitution of Medina.
The Banu Nadir were a Jewish tribe who lived in northern Arabia until the 7th century at the oasis of Madinah . The tribe challenged Muhammad as the leader of Medina,planned along with allied nomads to attack Muhammad and were expelled from Medina as a result. The Banu Nadir then planned the battle of the Trench together with the Quraysh.They later participated in the battle of Khaybar.
Battle of nostalgia is the invasion took place on the tenth of Shawwal in the eighth year of migration between Muslims and tribes Hawazin and educate in the valley called Nostalgia between Mecca and Taif city. The commander of the battle, caused by a man called Malik bin Auf Nasrid tribe Hawazin and may progress of his army until he reached near Mecca, and when I got the news of the Muslims Muslims face a large army and housed many of those who converted to Islam after the conquest of Mecca was impressed by the large number of army and promised him and doing its hardware and Muslims got their trust the army to the point of arrogance and some Muslims have said today will not be from a lack of precedence.Battle of nostalgia is one of the events that followed Khudaibiya, and the battle of Khyber, and the Battle of Muta, and the conquest of Mecca, has this battle took place in a period of prosperity and the spread of Islam in the inside of the Arabian Peninsula and beyond, where he was Khudaibiya is why this boom and the spread of this religion, it has emptied the Apostle During this period of conciliation to the call and messaging within the Kings in the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. Signed Battle of nostalgia specifically in the month of Shawwal of the eighth year of immigration, has the story began after the opening of Mecca, and the surrender of many of the tribes in the Arabian Peninsula, and handed a fait accompli, but some powerful tribes such as: Hawazin and educated and Nasr and Geshem, and tribes Saad bin Bakr, what she agrees These tribes surrender and submission, the Alliance of alliance with them, and decided to declare war on the Muslims, and was a leader in this war is the owner of the Nasrid bin Auf, a young man in his thirties. [2]
The Banu Mustaliq is an Arab tribe. The tribe is a sub-clan of the Banu Khuza'a, descended from Azdi Qahtani. They occupied the territory of Qadid on the Red Sea shore between Jeddah and Rabigh.
Muslim forces:200 men
Quraish forces:Commercial convoy to protect the 100 passengers and footmen led illiteracy bin behind Jamhi
Place the invasion:In the mountain range Electric Box It Bwatan origin and one Fboat Alcila of the following Medina and hurt her issue shall in the valley add my (Valley acid) and Electric Box Ghouri which of the following stems of palm trees and hurt her issue shall in the valley of upper Yanbu palm trees and close to the Electric Box Radwa mountain range so it was the applicants point out Radwa at describing the Battle of Electric Box.
The goal of the invasion:Electric Box access to the commercial road between Mecca and the Levant and the seizure of commercial Quraish caravan, consisting of those passers-2500 camel region, a type of economic siege on Quraish
The Battle of Badr, fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE (17 Ramadan, 2 AH in the Islamic calendar) in the Hejaz region of western Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia), was a key battle in the early days of Islam and a turning point in Muhammad's struggle with his opponents among the Quraish in Mecca. The battle has been passed down in Islamic history as a decisive victory attributable to divine intervention, or by secular sources to the strategic genius of Muhammad. It is one of the few battles specifically mentioned in the Quran. Most contemporary knowledge of the battle at Badr comes from traditional Islamic accounts, both hadiths and biographies of Muhammad, recorded in written form some time after the battle.
Prior to the battle, the Muslims and the Meccans had fought several smaller skirmishes in late 623 and early 624. Badr, however, was the first large-scale engagement between the two forces. Advancing to a strong defensive position, Muhammad's well-disciplined force broke the Meccan lines, killing several important Quraishi leaders including the Muslims' chief antagonist Abu Jahl. For the early Muslims the battle was the first sign that they might eventually defeat their enemies among the Meccans. Mecca at that time was one of the richest and most powerful cities in Arabia, fielding an army three times larger than that of the Muslims. The Muslim victory also signaled to the other tribes that a new power had arisen in Arabia and strengthened Muhammad's position as leader of the often fractious community in Medina.
Battle Aloboa or invasion (Dan) is the first invasion fought by Muhammad the Prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon him.svg, and was in the month of Safar 2 e have resulted in a contract and that contract an alliance with built Damra of Kenana but this did not happen in this fight the invasion.Signed on 12 safr - 2 hijrayan after a year after the arrival of the Messenger of Allah to the city in an area said to her and Dan the subject away from the city 250 km and also called Aloboa a Valley Hijaz by the tomb safe or the Messenger of Allah.Discovery and identification of the surrounding roads, and routes leading to Mecca, to conclude treaties with the tribes that their houses on these roads, notice the Infidels of Yathrib and its Jews and Arbab Badia hitters around that Muslims are strong and they got rid of the old vulnerability, warning the Quraysh perhaps feel exacerbate threat to the economy and reasons Amaaischha Vtjnh to peace, and will refrain from fighting the Muslims in their own homes, and on the block for the sake of Allah, the vulnerable and the torture of the faithful in Mecca, until Muslims become free to inform the message of God throughout the Arabian Peninsula.
'Battle of one and the Battle of the clan (and said Balsen neglected and said clan) came out of Muhammad peace be upon him the Prophet of Islam himself in fifty and one hundred passengers were told in Miatin during May even reached a place abdomen stems and stayed there the rest of the month and nights of Jumada II to trace Ir Quraish then returned Kedah and did not receive the Caliph of the city Abu Salamah ibn Abd al-Assad in Sahih Muslim narrated from Abu Ishaq said Subaie I said to Zayd ibn Arqam km invaded Mohammed nineteen battle of the clan or the first of Ashara he said.
Battle of Bani Hayan to have occurred in the sixth year of migration between Muslims and Bani Hayan to target them was built for Hayan punish the treachery of six Muslim preachers when water Alrgia two years before the invasion.The sons of Hayyan who had betrayed ten of the companions of Muhammad Balrgia, and caused the execution, but because their homes were penetrated in the Hijaz to Mecca limits. Severe Altarat between the Muslims and the Quraish and to express, did not see Muhammad that dips in the country's close proximity to the biggest enemy, and when he Takazlt parties, Astohunt their opponents, and Acetkanwa current conditions to some extent, the view that the time has come for taking of the sons of Hayan avenge his companions killed Balrgia, went out to them in March or the first Jumada years 6 him in two hundred of his companions, and the Normans of the city Ibn Umm Maktoum, he showed that he wants to Sham, and then move on quickly so we ended up to the belly of the Gran valley between Trowel and Usfaan where he was infected with his friends, paid tribute to them and called to them, and heard of him, the sons of Hayan fled in the heads of the mountains, it was estimated them at one, stayed two days to their land, and sent Saraya, did not appreciate them, walked to Usfaan, he sent ten Fuwaris to sponsor Ghamam to hear him Quraish, then returned to the city. It was his absence by fourteen night.
Mecca was occupied by the Muslims on 11 December 629 CE (Julian), 18 Ramadan, 8 AH in the ancient (intercalated) Arabic calendar. It was not until the Farewell Pilgrimage in 632 CE that the practice of intercalation fell into disuse. Muhammad started the journey on 6 Ramadan and entered Mecca on 18 Ramadan.
Battle of Khyber said the son of Isaac she was in Muharram of the seventh year of migration, said Waaqidi it was at zero or the first spring of the seventh year of migration, after returning from the battle Hudaybiyah, and went Ibn Sa'd to it in June the first seven years, said Imams syphilis and owner: It is forbidden in the sixth year, it has favored son of stone words of Ibn Ishaq to say Waaqidi
Battle of Umrah elimination occurred in the seventh year of migration between the Quraish Muslim forces of the ruling said: News frequent that since Is Zul ordered his companions to Iatmarwa spend Amrthm, and not lag behind them one saw Hudaybiyah, they went only cited, and went out with other pilgrims, were promised Alvin only women and boys.
And Caliph of the city Aoev bin Aloillt Daily, or the father of their families Ghafari, and a leg sixty camel, and make them survivor Ben grasshopper Aslami, and entered ihraam for Umrah than allies, and answered, and answered the Muslims with him, and came prepared with arms and combat, fearing that falls from the Quraish betrayed, and when he reached Aojaj entire tool status: Ahadjv and Majan, nobility and spears, and behind them Aws bin Kholi Ansari in two hundred man, and entered with a weapon passenger: Swords in proximity. The Messenger of Allah when you enter riding on a camel Algosoa, and Muslims Matuszhon swords, Mahdqon Messenger God meet. polytheists and went out to the Mount of Qaiqaan mountain which is in the north of Kaaba to see Muslims, has said among themselves: It offers you delegation Hunthm fever of Yathrib, the Prophet ordered his companions to Armiloa three rounds, and walk between two pillars. It did not prevent him to instruct them that Armiloa whole stroke but keep them, but ordered them to do so Leary polytheists strength as instructed Baladtabaa, to disclose any Almnakp right, and both sides put the robe on the left.
Khudaibiya reconciliation is held in the month of November with a sixth year of migration (March 628 AD) between the Muslims and the Quraish whereby a truce between the two sides held a ten-year.
In the month of November than the sixth year of migration, announced the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) that he wanted to march to Mecca to perform Umrah, and authorized in his companions to leave them to their performance and walked the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) a thousand and four hundred of immigrants and supporters, and was with them Travel weapon because they want peace do not want to fight the infidels, and wore clothes of Ihram to confirm that they want to Quraish Umrah does not mean war, and carried swords but it was for the protection of which may Iatrdahm in the way. And when they arrived (with allies) entered ihraam for Umrah. When he approached the Mecca Bulghm that Qureshi brought the crowd to fight them off from the house Aharam.vlma Prophet Mohammed came down (peace be upon him) Balhdibip Send Othman bin Affan to the Quraysh and said to him: «" Tell them I did not come to fight, but we came Amara, and invite them to Islam , and ordered him to come men in Mecca believers and the believing women, Phippharham conquest, and that God Almighty appearance of his religion in Mecca. He went Osman, came Qureshi, said: Where to? He said, sent me to the Messenger of God, I invite you to Allah and to Islam, and tell you: it did not come to fight, but we came Amara. They said: We have heard what you say, Implemented to your need "». But Osman Ahtbsth Quraish The delay in the return to the Muslims, feared the Prophet, especially after that popularized he was killed, he called for a pledge of allegiance, Vtbadroa him, which is under the tree, Fbayaoh not to flee, and this is the Pledge of the Tree.
The Quraish sent Urwah ibn Mas'ud to the Muslims returned to his companions, he said: «" any people, and God has come to the Kings Chosroes and Caesar and Negus God, what I saw the king whom he admires his companions also maximizes the companions of Muhammad Muhammad. God, what overfed expectoration only occurred in the palm of a man whom , Vdlk by his face and his skin, and if something Aptdroa ordered him, and if he does wudoo came close to fighting each other on the light, and if you spoke lowered their voices, and trimming the matter out of respect for him, and then he said, has to offer you Rushd plan Vaqubloha "».
Then sped Quraish to send Suhail bin Amr for making peace, when he saw the Prophet said: «" has facilitated commanded you, Magistrate people wanted when they sent this man, then spoke Suhail long agreed on the rules of the Magistrates "».
Battle of a monkey or the Battle of the forest occurred in the sixth year of migration between 500 to 700 under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad Muslim forces, which chased the 40 passengers and Uyaynah bin Fazari fortress with a group of Gtefan, who raided the vaccine (camels with milk pregnant women) and the Prophet Muhammad jungle and killed her bodyguard and his wife endured with camels and fled to find.
This battle hunt movement against the species of brown Fazarah has done piracy in the vaccine Prophet Muhammad