Romeo and Juliet: Act 1 and Themes
Act 1, Scene 1
- servants hatred as strong as their master's, and escalates in scene 1 from servants to the heads of the house
- subject shifts from hate to love when Romeo appears
- Themes: youth, passion, authority
Into Act 2...
Act 1, Scene 3
Act 1, Scene 4
- Juliet is mature, but young
- Nurse: crude comic relief
- Male beauty: wax, flowers and a book (contrast to celestial references) (beauty is fragile)
- Juliet's restraint vs. Romeo's frenzy
- different views of marriage
- for women: marriage is the ultimate goal
- masks: tied to the identity theme
- Romeo: immature in some ways, but sees from the beginning that there are larger, more dangerous powers in the world
- Romeo has a vision about his impending death
- Queen Mab speech
- we learn the whole story from the start
- Setting: Verone, Italy
- What did they think of Verona?
- Love ultimately triumphs, but not without bloodshed
- Love is a "madness"
- love and hate both fuel the story
- (most themes breifly covered)
Themes thus far?
Act 1, Scene 2
Act 1, Scene 5
- We first meet Juliet through the eyes of two men- patriarchy
- major theme: youth and age (and authority)
- Women's beauty: referenced as celestial
- Benvolio compares love to dangerous things in nature (foreshadow?)
- Benvolio's advice to Romeo?
- the party!
- Romeo says Juliet's beauty is as bright as torches, starting to compare her to light
- Shakespeare begins building motif of night and day (cheek of night)
- love and hate always intertwined in the play- violence follows vows of love (Tybalt)
- love takes on religious qualities: praying hands- romance at a higher level than the physical
- only love, only hate
- Identity?
- Youth? (Age/Authority)
- Passion? (Love & Violence)
- Banishment?
- Sacrifice?