Write down a few questions that you could ask Senator Perry. They could be general state government questions or focused on KY.
State Legislatures
- Used to be more of a part time job.
- Now most are full time legislators and plan on a life long career in politics.
KY State Legislators
- 38 Senators
- 100 Representatives
- http://www.lrc.ky.gov/
pg. 298
Making Laws
- Unlike the national government, both houses' seats are apportioned based on populaton.
- The number of seats are reapportioned every ten years.
- But KY has 38 Senators and 100 Representatives...
- Every state except Nebraska has a bicameral legislature
- Like the national Congress state legislatures meet in sessions.
- Some states hold annual sessions, some meet every other year.
- Sessions can last between 20 days and 6 months.
- Primary function = make laws for the state
- Similarities and differences with national legislature
- Initiative - Citizens can propose laws which leads to a statewide election.
- Referendum - refers laws to he judgement of the citizens
- Recall - citizens have the power to remove an elected official
Financing the State Government
Checks and Balances
- Taxes - Sales tax, excise tax, income tax
- Bonds and lotteries
- Ask the national Congress for grants (strings attached)
- Approve appointed officials
- Approve the governor's budget
- Power to impeach and bring charges against executive and judicial officers