ECB official website sources
ECB monetary policy
ECB monetary policy instruments
ECB: Monetary policy and monetary policy instruments, zuletzt gepruft am 01.01.2015
ECB: Lithuania (2015). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 01.01.2015.
ECB: FACT slides on monetary policy, (01.2014)
ECB: Why has the ECB introduced a negative interest rate? Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 01.01.2015.
Eurostat | News release:
ECB: Monetary Policy. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 01.01.2015.
ECB: Home page:
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 127(2);
EUR-Lex - C2012/326/01 - EN - EUR-Lex. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.01.2015.
ECB: Press release on conventional and unconventional monetary policy:
Primary objective
- Open market operations
- Standing facilities
- Minimum reserved requirement for credit institutions
What does monetary policy do?
Standing facilities
generally higher than market rates
Other internet sources
ECB monetary policy strategy
generally lower than market rates
Eurozone falls into deflation for first time since October 2009 - Online verfügbar unter,Authorised=false.html?, zuletzt geprüft am 07.01.2015.
ECB logo downloaded from Wikimedia:
What does the ECB decision mean for me? Draghi's video conference embedded from Youtube (June, 2014)
ECB history:
EONIA (i.e. the euro interbank overnight money market rate)
Joyce, Michael; Miles, David; Scott, Andrew; Vayanos, Dimitri (2012): Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy - an Introduction*. In: The Economic Journal 122 (564), S. F271. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2012.02551.x.
Giannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Pill, Huw; Reichlin, Lucrezia (2010): Non-standard monetary policy measures and monetary developments. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (Discussion paper series / Centre for Economic Policy Research International macroeconomics, 8125).
The Eurozone
Explaining the current interest rates
"Negative interest rates are usually associated with unconventional monetary policies"
- The ECB influences inflation by setting interest rates
- Euro area inflation is expected to remain considerably low
- Thus, the ECB has lowered all three rates
- Punishing savers, rewarding borrowers
- Can banks avoid negative deposit rates?
- Resistance faced by the Deutsche Bundesbank
Draghi's response to Weidman
"Interest rates will go up again, once growth comes back"
ECB: Why has the ECB introduced a negative interest rate? Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 01.01.2015.
What does the ECB decision mean for me? - 5 June 2014. Online verfügbar unter zuletzt geprüft am 01.01.2015.
- centralised monetary policy-making - role of the ECB
- decentralised, albeit closely coordinated, fiscal policy-making
- arrangements for fiscal policies at EU level
- independence of the ECB from other EU political institutions
- Article 127 of the TFEU assigns the implementation of the monetary policy in the Eurozone to the Eurosystem.
List of content
Tasks of the Eurosystem
- Historical background to the ECB
- Terminology (ESCB, ECB, Eurosystem)
- Monetary policy of the ECB
- Monetary policy instruments
- Inflationary developments in the Eurozone
- Standing facilities
- ECB after 2008 - response to the crisis
- Plausible future decision -QE
- Welcome Lithuania - the transition process
- definition and implementation of monetary policy
- conduct of foreign exchange operations (e.g with FED)
- management of official foreign reserves of Member States
- Banknotes
- Statistics
- Financial Stability and Supervision
- International and European cooperation
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Article 127(2);
EUR-Lex - C2012/326/01 - EN - EUR-Lex. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 02.01.2015.
Monetary policy of the European Central Bank (ECB)
Inflationary development in the Eurozone
(Harmonised indices of consumer prices)
Data valid until October 2014
ECB: Monetary Policy. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 01.01.2015.
Deflation is back
Quantitative easing
6.3 %
- plunging oil price => low energy price
- decrease of in energy prices
- adds pressure on the ECB to stimulate the economy
- if energy prices are excluded from the estimation, the inflation would remain all the same at
0.6 %
- targeting quantity variables rather than interest rates
- purchase of sovereign bonds
- substantial increase in the balance sheet
- increase in the monetary base
- increase the flow of money in the system
- seen as a last resort after minimal rates prove unsuccessful
Eurostat | News release:
Eurostat | News release:
Eurozone falls into deflation for first time since October 2009 - Online verfügbar unter,Authorised=false.html?, zuletzt geprüft am 07.01.2015.
Conventional monetary policy
- affecting short term interest rates through open market operations
- steering the level of the key interest rates
Joyce, Michael; Miles, David; Scott, Andrew; Vayanos, Dimitri (2012): Quantitative Easing and Unconventional Monetary Policy - an Introduction*. In: The Economic Journal 122 (564), S. F271. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0297.2012.02551.x.
Unconventional monetary policy
- purchase of government securities and bonds from the banking sector
- introduction of negative rates
- risk of hindering functionality
ECB: Press release on conventional and unconventional monetary policy:
Historical background
Interest rate
Introduction of euro
The Foundation
In April 2011, the ECB raised interest rates for the first time since 2008 from 1% to 1.25%,[9] with a further increase to 1.50% in July 2011.[10] However, in 2012–2013 the ECB sharply lowered interest rates to encourage economic growth, reaching the historically low 0.25% in November 2013.[1] Soon after the rates were cut to 0.15%, then on 4 September 2014 the central bank reduced the rates by two thirds from 0.15% to 0.05%, the lowest rates on record.[11]
The European Monetary Institute (EMI) is founded in Frankfurt to coordinate the monetary policies of the national central banks across the European Union
The euro is introduced as the single currency of the euro area, composed back than of Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.
The establishment
Becoming of an EU institution
On 1 December 2009, the Treaty of Lisbon entered into force, ECB according to the article 13 of TEU, gained official status of an EU institution.
The ECB is established in Frankfurt, taking over from the European Monetary Institute (EMI) in the final preparations for the start of Stage Three of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
Welcome Lithuania
ECB's response to the 2008 crisis
- 1 January 2015
- Euro replaces the litas: fixed exchange rate of €1= LTL 3.45280
ECB starts providing extra liquidity
Purchase programme for covered bonds
Support bank lending and money market activities
Guidance on future interest rates
Shortage of $ liquidity
FED swap agreement
attempt to revive an important market segment
for the refinancing of banks
- 2 longer term refinancing operations
- reduce reserve ratio
Euro introduction
Extraordinary liquidity measures
Outright Monetary Transactions
Securities Markets Programme
Deadline for exchanging litas banknotes at the remaining commercial banks
EU Council approved Lithuania’s admission to euro area.
Euro banknotes and coins started circulating and bank accounts were converted into euro.
weekly refinancing operations with a fixed-rate tender procedure
- addressing malfunctioning securities markets
- restore the transmission mechanism
- OMT in secondary sovereign markets
Euro banknotes and coins become sole legal tender.
Transfer of euro coins from Lietuvos bankas to commercial banks started.
ECB: FACT slides on monetary policy, (01.2014)
ECB: Lithuania (2015). Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 01.01.2015.
Giannone, Domenico; Lenza, Michele; Pill, Huw; Reichlin, Lucrezia (2010): Non-standard monetary policy measures and monetary developments. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (Discussion paper series / Centre for Economic Policy Research International macroeconomics, 8125).
Changes in the Balance Sheet
EONIA (i.e. the euro interbank overnight money market rate)