Galactic cities are decentralized because they are no longer focused around the CBD.
Services and entertainment business have moved to the suburbs.
People have also migrated to suburbs.
Galactic City Model: AP Human Geography Crash Course. (2017, April 4). Retrieved April 20, 2018, from
Katganz. (2015, May 7). The Galactic City Model. Retrieved April 20, 2018, from
Cumbaya, Quito
Cumbaya is not a concrete example
However, if it keeps progressing like it has, it will become a galactic city because it will become the center for services and businesses.
Tokyo, Japan
Detroit, Michigan
Created in 1960 by Chauncy Harris
Created based on the City of Detroit, Michigan
Also known as the Peripheral Model
Galactic City Model
Galactic City Model
By: Andrea Chiriboga, Daniela Guerrero and Loretta Ontko