The mere existence of the Observers overwrites the timeline. This timeline is EXACTLY the same (until 1985) because the Observers do not interfere. Their presence has no impact on the course of events. The First Timeline is gone.
Prehistoric Age
Machine is Sent Back in Time from Future, setting off a time loop.
September helps put together the time machine. He volunteers to bring Michael to 2167 but is shot. Walter travels into the future with Michael
Time is now linear
and Multiverse
In the final course of events, only Season 4 (minus "Letters of Transit,") 33 minutes of "Peter," and the last 3 minutes of the series finale *actually* happened, roughly 960 minutes...or 21% of the entire series.
Peter Bishop is cured
of a genetic illness and lives
Scientists in Norway attempt to expand human intellect by replacing emotion centers of brain. Observers are created.
Universes diverge because of an unknown event at an unknown point in time between 1783-1887.
The planet is uninhabitable. A Science Team of 12 Observers is sent back in time to observe the past. They are not informed that the information they are gathering will be used to plan a full-scale invasion of Earth.
Peter Bishop dies of a genetic illness
Terrorists attack the Pentagon and White House.
Olivia is held hostage.
Fringe Divisions crosses over to find Peter.
Olivia accidentally crosses over. This incident alerts Walter of his son's location.
Olivia is brainwashed.
Olivia returns to her side.
Walter's cure shatters. He resolves to take Peter with him back to the Prime Universe to save him.
Walter tasks Peter with fixing The Machine.
The Universe is destroyed by Peter and The Machine.
Walter uses Henry's DNA as substitute for Peters and activates The Machine.
Olivia is taken to the Other Side by Bell.
Walter accelerates Olivia's pregnancy. She gives birth to Henry Dunham.
September inadvertently distracts Walter from curing Peter. This is the first diversion from the Original Timeline.
William Bell perpetuates the idea that the universes must go to war. He helps create shapeshifters. His intention is to lead both universes to war so that when they collapse, his new world will rise.
Walter Bishop crosses into the Alternate Universe to save Peter
Peter sees the future and makes a different choice. He bridges the two universes together instead of destroying the Alternate Universe. He chooses "balance" and understands that he is out of place. He erases himself from existence by creating a timeline without his interaction.
Unknown Time
Universes Diverge
Walter realizes they are the First People and reconfigures The Machine to Peter's consciousness before sending it back in time via wormhole. He hopes that if Peter can see the future, he will change his decision.
Without the Alternate Universe, the Prime Universe degrades and will ultimately die.
Marie Antoinette is executed. Observer is sighted.
Observers sighted at Boston Massacre
Peter enters The Machine and destroys the Alternate Universe.
Walter and Peter are saved from drowning by September in an attempt to correct the timeline. This will not work, however. September observers the love between a father and son and decides to save his own son, Michael. He takes him from 2609 and hides him in Modern Day Earth.
William Bell begins his plot to collapse the universes and make his own. He plans to use the Cortexiphan children and exploit the decaying universes that were caused by Walter.
Terrorists attack the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Another plane lands in a field in Pennsylvania
Peter, Walter, and a disguised Olivia return.
Peter realizes he is not home and tries to return. Walter and Elizabeth perpetuate the lie long enough for Peter to finally accept he imagined it due to his sickness.
David Robert Jones is killed before he crosses over to meet with William Bell and enact Phase Two of their plan.
Peter Bishop dies of a genetic illness.
At Walter's request, William Bell removes the pieces of Walter's brain pertaining to crossing universes. Walter is afraid of his hubris. Bell, on the other hand, is more motivated than ever.
Olivia returns to the Prime Universe
Olivia begins an affair with an oblivious Peter. She is unknowingly impregnated.
Olivia seeks pieces of The Machine.
Testing of Cortexiphan continues. Olivia Dunham is a subject.
Carla Warren is killed in a lab fire. Walter is sent to St. Claire's.
Walter and William Bell meet at Harvard.
William Bell creates the ZFT to perpetuate the war from this side.
Fringe Division discovers Michael.
Olivia returns to her side.
The Machine responds to The Machine and is activated.
Seamus Wiles publishes "The First People."
Peter learns he is from the Other Side.
Walter crosses over and takes Peter back to the Alternate Universe with him.
ZFT, funded by Bell, begins experimenting and preparing for War.
While on LSD, the two imagine the possibility of an Alternate Universe and begin focusing their work on it.
Fringe Division is formed to investigate escalation of Pattern cases
Bell and Bishop create Cortexiphan. Trials begin in Wooster, OH. There is a smaller center in Jacksonville, FL.
William Bell steals Alternate Universe technology to build Massive Dynamic empire. He frequently visits the Other Side.
Boston Massacre occurs. Observer spotted at event.
Walter's vial breaks. He realizes he must take Peter back home with him.
Walter Bishop retires.
Walter is distracted by September
Chelsea Clinton considers Presidential bid.
David Robert Jones crosses into the Alternate Universe and begins Phase Two of Neogenesis Plan with Bell.
Olivia appears with Michael and heads to Battery Park before crossing over to the Prime Universe.
Olivia arrives. She is taken to Liberty Island and crosses back to her universe.
Walter sends Olivia to get the Transilience Thought Unifier to begin enacting The Plan. She ambers herself while being pursued.
A Bridge is formed
Walter Bishop crosses into the Alternate Universe to save Peter
September warns Walter of the Invasion. The two create a plan. They will send September's son into the future with Walter to convince the scientists to never create the Observers. Walter understands his sacrifice will erase him from existence.
The Observer Oppression grows for twenty years. A totalitarian state springs up. Defectors are labeled Loyalists, while everyone else is considered a Native. Etta joins Fringe Division, now being tasked with policing Natives. She crosses paths with Broyles in 2031, who recognizes her instantly. Etta recruits Broyles into the Resistance. Rumors of the Original Fringe Team circulate saying they are immortal and/or hiding in Peru. Etta believes her parents are alive and sets out to find them. Eventually, she discovers them to be stuck in amber.
Peter wants to find Etta while Olivia deals with her grief by trying to save the world. This drives a wedge in between them and fractures their marriage.
Peter dies.
The Observers invade before Walter can enact The Plan.
William Bell betrays the team. Walter ambers the lab and the team, as well as video tapes that detail The Plan.
Walter arrives with Michael. The Norwegians never create the Observers, causing a time reset.
The Machine is activated. Even though the timeline has been rewritten, it responds to Peter's actions. Peter begins to bleed into new timeline
Walter anticipates his disappearance and sends the White Tulip September gives him to Peter and leaves a tape .
Bell enacts Neogenesis using Olivia.
The crisis is averted.
Peter drowns.
Michael is rescued and ultimately kidnapped by Observers and kept at the impenetrable Liberty Island. To save him, Olivia crosses to the Alternate Universe
Henrietta goes missing
Olivia appears at Liberty Island, saves Michael, and crosses over again.
Peter implants Observer technology into his head. He is later talked back by Olivia.
Henrietta frees the team and they continue the Plan.
Peter returns
Henrietta is killed.
The Invasion does not occur. At this very moment, Walter and the Observers are erased to resolve the paradox that nature allowed only for the intent of closing the time loop.
Observers are never created
The Amber Timeline loops up until 2015. A complete reset would be paradoxical because the Observers (September specifically) helped create the plan that would rid the world of them. If September was erased right away, the Observers would be created in 2167 and an endless timeloop would occur. Rather, nature allows the Amber Timeline to repeat until 2015, where it can finally close the loop.