WHO (World Health Organization)
By: Jayden and Isabel
World Health Organization
- To direct and coordinate authority on global health work, to make sure that there is technical cooperation, and to promote research.
- Their goal is to build a better and healthier future for people everywhere. They want all people to be at the highest possible level of health.
Definition of health:
a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Are They Christian?
- Government run organization - not a specific religion.
History/Mission Statement
United Nations:
- The WHO is a part of the United Nations
- The UN maintains peace and security, they protect human rights, and help people.
Assessed Contributions: the money countries pay to be a member of the Organization. Amount depends on population and wealth of the country.
Voluntary Contributions: can come from a Member State or other partners. They have been the cause of more than three quarters of the Organization's financing some years.
- The Bulletin seeks to publish and disseminate scientifically rigorous public health information of international significance that enables policy-makers, researchers and practitioners to be more efficient; it aims to improve health, particularly among disadvantaged populations.
- Established April 7, 1948
- Geneva, Switzerland
- WHO now works in more than 150 countries
- www.who.int
- www.searo.who.int
- www.cc.org
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