Chapter 9 Part 2 Journalism
Point of View
Creative Beginnings
- Fill stories with gold coins.
- Scatter interesting bits throughout the story that make the readers want to keep reading.
• The vantage point from which the reader sees the action. Usually, reporters use third person (objective, unbiased narrator).
• Rarely use first or second person (I , me, you).
• Stories seem more credible in third person.
Structure of Investigative Reporting
- Must be well-organized.
- Usually avoid inverted pyramid style.
- Don’t want readers to stop.
- Try to create intrigue/suspense.
- Creative beginnings: start near the end.
- Begin with an anecdote: a short account of some interesting/humorous incident.
Creating Sense of Place
- Must be able to write about where event happened.
- Capture the place = sights, sounds, smells.
Writing in Scenes
- Stories should have sense of people, place, time, and drama.
- Narrative = most typical structure.
- Beginning = draws in.
- Middle = suspense builds.
- End = climax/resolution = most important.