Jackie Kay - Trumpet
Mark Stein - Jackie Kay, Trumpte. Life Border Writing
Irene Rose - Heralding New Possibilities; Female Masculinity in Jackie Kay's Trumpet
- Mark Stein - Jackie Kay, Trumpet. Life Border Writing
- •a concert of voices
- ochange of narrative mode
- onovel about deep secrets
- o“Joss’ss version of his life, that of his wife, and those of the people who surrounded them are not in congruence with each other” no truth
- oVoices = montage of different voices and tenses
- Millie’s 1st-person narrative
- Coleman’s 1st-person narrative
- Edith Moore…
- Others (summarized under ‘people’
- No supremacy of one voice (contradicts with Millie as dominant voice)
- •black feminist aesthetics?
- oWriting as communicative act between black British women (Kay) and readers
- •jazz and the production of cultural authority
- omusical performance = also performative selfhood
- omusic transforms him
- technical term “running changes” signifying Joss’s “gender transformations”
- omusic as deconstructivist
- extinction of boundaries (Scotland/Africa, slavery/freedom, black/white, girl/man)
- oJoss = symbol of future personal freedom
- His look into the future and bare-stripping of everything in the jazz-chapter confirms what was told by other voices throughout the book
- Transcendence of Joss + self-abandoning in 1
- oMusic = cultural authority, jazz power to gain it (gender transformation, too)
- oHis death and inability to perform music undermine and damage his social life
- oSo “Trumpet is a question of how Joss’s created gender identity suits him AND who has the power over his memories
- Which cultural authority has the right on it? (journalism, biography, Jazz music, others (???)
- oJazz role
- “transcultural New World Art” mixing African, European, North American musical traditions
- mainly from blacks
- in “Trumpet”
- •“polyrhythmic” structures with “simultaneous soundings of interrelated rhytms”
- oCall-and-response pattern (as the life of Joss and Millie to society)
- oSyncopation
- Joss being quiet all his life
- Joss’s undermining of heteronormanist beliefs “sounds an unstressed note”
- •Jazz as alternative model
- oJoss has enough followers to make himself a believable man
- oColman has 2 options how to tell the story
- •Fantasy Africa
- oRelative absence of black woman’s voice
- oColman as link to Jackie Kay’s past
- oRenaming as symbol of broken link to the African continent
- oName change = masquerade
- oFantasy Africa = imagined community, not a blood-related one
- Jazz = one link
- oJoss’s letter as “concrete” link between Colman and himself
- identity as construction
- “real” Africa = unnecessary (parallel to gender identity blur issue)
- •Gender Trouble: perpetuation and performativity/summary
- o“Trumpet” intrigues reader into “performance”
- oPuts pressures on borders (gender, race, sexualities) and expands them
- Subversion done by Joss’s daily body performances + musical performances
- o “gender = always doing” (Butler) , a construction
- o“In the process he not only gains cultural authority, as has been seen; he also disturbs the regime that would govern his circumscription.”
Calitz - Chapter Two: Jackie Kay's Trumpet
- Trumpet = "radical redelineation of phallic power and a reassertion of the validity of female nasculinity as a gendered abd sexual identification independent of both lesbianism and male masculinity (143)
- Trumpet = contribution to female masculinity athentication
- jazz analogy
- improvisations of themes, identity, and sexuality
- destabilization/fluidity/ambiguity of identity
- name changes
- gender = performance
- ends with Joss' death
- certain characters = symbols of heteronormativity (doctor,
- funeral director, registrar)
- the red pen = symbol of juvenile patriarchical phallus
- renaming = "African-American fight agaisnt 'white wash' of historical erasure"(146)
- ignorance of knowledge (Foucault, 146)/family secrets
- refusal of "lesbian" label = also a radical political label
- stone butch as forgotten extremes --> pass both heteronormative and homonormative boundaries
- stone butch = "non-performance" (Halbertstam, 150)
- idealization of Joss after death = prevention of marginalizing him ("being construed as a lack or void", 151)
- Sophie Stones
- = the heteronorm
- SS allusion (moral standards vs. own performance)
- Coleman
- identity crisis after Joss' death
- "herald of post-patriarchal gynandricity"(156)
Carla Rodriguez Gonzalez - Biographical Improvisation in Jackie Kay's Trumpet
- Kay’s text portrays transgender identity and exposes the social prejudice leveled against the transgender character in the novel.
- transphobia + homophobia
- Joss's gender performance undermines "obligatory" link gender-sex (of a black woman in 1960s/70s)
- unspeakability of Joss' difference (51)!!!!
- radical discrimination by different voice pieces!!!!!
- gender difference = always part of societal context
- Joss' gender transition empowers a new gender identity which defies prescriptions of society
- normative boy-/girl-binary destabilises gender identity (Joss)
- Millie's dominant anti-lesbianism voice deconstructs language binaries borders
- Millie's boundaries crossing love = acceptance of a gender identity which did not dominate the relationship
- love = different(neither heteronormative nor homonormative)
- vs. Millie's failure in admitting loving a "woman"
- Butler: --> Trumpet = NO lesbian novel
- Hargreaves: invisibility of their love threatens heteronormative standards!!!!(58)
- Butler:
- gender = repeated bodily acts (59)
- --> subversive characterof gender is in the unstable performances
- playing a gender identity = becoming this identity(61)
- gender as performative masquerade is subversive when it becomes integrated into the everyday performative!!! (61)
- --> Joss’s gender performances are therefore subversive because of their invisibility and the way the performative is integrated into Joss’s daily life (62)
- gender = primarily linked to body (63)
- music mirrors narrative structure
- music as "voice" of the dead character
- identity as "programmed"/performance (--> music)
- "real" vs. fantasized body --> identity = construction
- Sophie Stones = symbolizes heteronormative
- ghost writers interference and identity adaption = symbol of performativity
- failure of normativity
Patrick Williams - Significant corporeality: bodies and identities in Jackie Kay's fiction
Jeanette King - 'A Woman's A Man For A' That': Jackie Kay's Trumpet
- society = prison which enforces differences
- passing/transcending traditional categories
- penis envy
- labeling (as lesbian) = limitation
- pro-female vs contra-female perception of Joss Moody
- gender = performance
- music = key to border-crossing/gender change
- abandoning of scripts and predecents!
- problem of Joss' "Last Word"
- identity nature = problematic itself (like memory): everything about Joss = artificial!!!
- nurture = outweighing nature
- identity instability
- benefits of "Last Word"
- instable identity = liberating effect
- troubling of Joss' gender identity = transgendered performance
- jazz structure = novel structure
- question of identity
- identity = formed by repeated performances (--> Butler?)
- constructivist idea of autonomy
- vs.
- gender performance of Joss destabilises gender and identity
- yet, gender performance = is only significant/with meaning if it is embodied/corporeal
- Joss' performances = sometimes overdone
- performances need to be fully adapted
- race issue = marginalized in a way
- only Joss' death raises questions of all kinds
- about truth, authenticity, identity, reality
- force of music
- link between Joss and identity
central question
is transgender marginalized in "Trumpet"?
--> Yes AND No
invisibility subverts = silence as subversive act!
(music = stabiliser/way out)