Cross Promotions
How are they related to event marketing programs?
- Cross promote with event
- Cross promote with other sponsors
- Potential to reach consumers one-on-one
Event Marketing
What must accompany an event to make it a success?
Let's Start With an Ad Campaign Video....
Sponsorship Marketing
Relationship to Marketing Department?
Department of Communications?
Next Section of the Ad Campaign...Section 5
(could be Event marketing)
Schedule of All Planned Promotions
- Sponsor of specific event
- Closely related to lifestyle marketing
- Brand-name recognition
- Closer ties with customers and vendors
- Boost employee morale
Public relations department
- Separate entity
- Part of marketing department
- Department of Communications
- Internal versus external agency
Public relations functions
- Develop PR strategy that fits with IMC
- Strengthen company voice
- Identify internal and external stakeholders
- Assess the corporate reputation
- Audit corporate social responsibility
- Create positive image-building activities
- Prevent or reduce image damage
Selecting Sponsorship Events
Can be in a Calendar format...
a Table....whatever works for your Ad Campaign
There are excel templates online, you can use one of those if you like, here are some examples.
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Determine objective(s)
- Match event audience – target market
- Promote sponsorship/event
- Presence in event advertising/brochures
- Track results
Obligation to be ethical
Corporate transparency
Undertaken by management
Organizations need
- Ethical guidelines for all employees
- Code of ethics
- Ethical hotline
How does CSR relate to PR?
Create a Positive Image
Green Marketing AND
Green Marketing
Cause-Related Marketing
Build an Earthship in 10 days...
- Partnership with charity
- Businesses invest $1.5 billion annually
- Brand parity
- Supporting cause can create bond
- In past, just gave money
- Companies need a benefit
- Benefit should relate to business
- Cause liked by one – disliked by another
Benefits to company
- Additional customers
- Increased profits
- Consumer goodwill for the future
- Better relations with government agencies
- Reduced negative public opinion
Benefits to non-profit organizations
- Provides funds
- Positive publicity
Promotion Principles
Chapter 13 Stuff
presented in part by Sara Skowronski