Leadership Concept Map
by: Samantha Shackel
Adaptive Leadership
- Defined: How leaders encourage people to adapt- to face and deal with problems. (prepare and encourage people to deal with change)
Authentic Leadership
- Context: Used when a leader needs to help mobilize, motivate, organize, orient, and focus the attention of others. (e.g. Church membership, company merger, merit pay, condominium rules).
- Defined: Focuses on whether leadership is "genuine" and "real". These leaders are honest and good.
- Relationship with followers: The most important part of this relationship is a leader's ability to protect leadership voices "from below". They act as a mediator for the group.
- Intrapersonal vs Interpersonal vs Developmental: Intra- a leader's self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-concept
Inter- leadeship is relational, created by leaders and followers together
Developmental: Can be nurtured in a leader, rather than fixed as a trait.
- Relationship with followers: These leaders have the capacity to open themselves up and establish a connection with others.
Situational Approach
- Developed by Hershey & Blanchard
Transformative Leadership
- SLII Model: 3D Model of approach... scale represents different levels of "directive" and "supportive" types of action.
- Defined: Focuses on Leadership in situations
- Defined: Gives attention to the charismatic and affective elements of leadership. Emphasis on intrinsic motivation and follower development.
Styles of Leadership
- Context: A leader will assess and evaluate their followers. A leadership style from the SLII model will be chosen, and applied based on the particular situation.
- Relationship with follower: Process whereby a person engages with others and creates a connection that raises the level of motivation and morality in both parties.
- Relationship with follower: Dependent on leadership style chosen. Some will involve an interpersonal relationship, some will involve none.
- Pseudotransformational leaders: Have strong inspirational talent but are manipulative and dominant.
* Not authentic
Skills Approach
- Comprehensive skill based model by Mumford.
- Leader-centered perspective
- Defined: Emphasis on skills and abilities that can be learned and developed. Knowledge and abilities are needed.
Servant Leadership
- Context: Technical, Human, and Conceptual Skills are put to use in leadership. Different combinations of each will represent a leader's level of management.
Leadership is a highly sought-after and highly valued commodity. Throughout this course, we studied the different approaches to leadership. They are each used in different context by certain kinds of people, and they each create different relationships between leader and follower. Follow this "Subway Course" and see how each approach is connected.
- Relationship with follower: A leader using their skills has influence over their followers. They are encouraged to grow their own skills as followers.
- Defined: A paradox. A leader who is both an influence, and who does a service. Emphasizes that leaders be attentive to the concerns of their followers, that they empathize with them, and that they nurture them.
- Characteristics: Listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to growth of people, bulding community.
- Relationship with follower: Stimulates follower performance and growth.
Culture & Leadership
- Globalization has created the need for leaders to become competent in cross-cultural awareness and practice.
Trait Approach
- Ethnocentrism: The tendency for individuals to place their own group at the center of their observations of others and the world.
Effects on Leadership
- One of the first systematic attempts to study leadership
- "Great Man" theories developed around it.
- Relationship with followers: Leadership profiles are all different, and a leader needs to understand cross-culture profiles to establish a respectable, working relatationship.
- Defined: Emphasis on a certain set of innate traits from birth that make a person a good leader. Proven weak because certain characteristics are more appropriate in some situations.
- Context: A leader will display a set of traits that come easy to them and use them to better their leadership practice.
Behavioral Approach
- Relationship with follower: A follower sees a constructed leadership profile based on their own leader's traits.
- Researchers have studied "task" behavior and "relationship" behavior.
- Defined: Emphasis on the behavior of a leader.
- Context: A leader would employ "task" behavior when they are only focused on accomplishing a goal. A leader would employ "relationship" behavior when they are trying to establish interpersonal relationships with their followers.
Leadership Ethics
- Relationship with follower: Varies. If a leader is too task oriented, there will be a harsh relationship if any exists at all. If a leader is relationship oriented, there can be a strong connection.
Team Leadership
- Ethos: "customs," "conduct," "character."
- Team leadership leads to: greater productivity, more effective use of resources, better decisons and problem solving, better-quality products, and greater innovation and productivity.
- Ethics guide issues in leadership situations.
Path Goal Theory
- Relationship with followers: All leaders, regardless of what style or approach they practice, have an ethical responsibility to treat followers with respect and dignity
Gender & Leadership
- Relationship with followers: In order to be successful, the organizational culture of a team needs to supportmember involvement. Shared leadership is key.
- Defined: Emphasizes the relationship between the leader's style and the characteristics of the followers & the organizational setting.
- Antiquated thoughts say women are less capable of effective leadership than men for several reasons, while recent studies speak differently.
- Goal: To use a style that best meets followers' motivational needs.
- Leadership motivates when it makes the path to the goal clear and easy to follow.
- Models such as a "Labyrinth" and "Glass Ceiling" have been used to describe womens' difficulty rising to the top.
- Different combinations of "Directive" and "Supportive" behavior are employed.
Leader-Member Exchange Theory
- It is nownown hat both genders are equally as capable of leadership.
- Style will vary based on followers' needs; therefore, relationships between leader and follower will vary.
- Defined: Different from other theories and approaches because it focusses on the interactions between leaders and followers... this is referred to as a "dyadic" relationship.
- "In-group" vs "Out-group": The "in-group" followers recieve more information, influence, confidence, and concern. The "out-group" followers are often less dependable.
- The relationship will depend on how trusting leaders are, and how trustworthy followers prove themselves to be.