With the result of the study, the researchers would like to recommend the oregano as a mosquito repellent to the following. For the student’s, for them to have an additional knowledge about oregano mosquito repelling action. For the communities, for them to be aware about the importance of planting oregano which grows anywhere that may help to solve mosquito problems especially in depressed areas and be familiar to the other use of oregano aside from the other benefits it has being a herbal plants . The researchers would also like to recommend for the future researcher, the use of oregano for further study to much improve the knowledge about the repelling action of the oregano. For the DOH , further study of oregano may help them to implement a program that will educate people to use this plant as a mosquito repellent which is cheaper and easily to grow aside of being a herbal plants.
Experiential Theory involves learning from experience. The theory was proposed by psychologist named David Kolb. According to Kolb, this type of learning can be defined as the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience (Mcleod, 2013). During experimentation the researchers test whether oregano can repel mosquitoes or not through observing time. The experienced after the experimentation were converted to knowledge which can help the community in developing new ways on how to repel mosquitoes and how oregano is easy to cultivate and readily available anywhere or everywhere within the vicinity in that certain community.
The importance of Kolb’s theory is that people can easily learn based from their experiences and through observation about the study Wonder of Oregano against Mosquito. Some people try to attempt the scent of the crumpled oregano leaves base in study and observe whether it could repel mosquitoes. Some people relay in reading books, articles, and journals, for them to learn and gain more knowledge to find a new way on repelling mosquito using organic materials that doesn't cause any harm in the health.
Oregano is an important culinary and medicinal herb that has been used in medicine and cooking for thousands of years with a number of potential health benefits. The ancient Greeks were one of the first people to recognize this plant for its health benefits and medicinal qualities. The word "oregano" is actually derived from the Greek phrase, "joy of the mountains", were Oros means mountain and Ganosmeans joy (Sheryl, 2009). There are also studies that it could repel mosquitoes, oregano could become alternative source of mosquito control agents, since prevention of mosquitoes from biting is one of the major problems in the world. A mosquito causes transmitting serious human diseases and causing millions of death every year (Arunpandian 2011). One of the major vector-borne diseases namely dengue causes high mortality and morbidity rate here in the Philippine (Lulu Bravo et. al).Aedesaegypti is known to one of the species that carries dengue, the dengue fever incidence that has increased fourfold since 1970 and up to present it could affect every individual's health, Mosquitoes represent a significant threat to human health because of their ability to vector pathogens that cause diseases that afflict millions of people worldwide (WHO 2010).
The researchers want to seek more knowledge and prove whether the oregano could repel mosquitoes or not, it could help the community to have an alternative way to repel mosquito(Aedesaegypti)and prevent it from spreading disease rather than the use of the commercial mosquito coil that could have chemical properties that causes harm in the health.
2.2.3 Oregano on Mosquito
The Phytochemicals are advantageous due to their eco-safety, target-specificity, and non-development of resistance, reduced number of applications, higher acceptability, and suitability for rural areas. Botanicals can be used as alternative to synthetic insecticides or along with other insecticides under integrated vector control programs.
The plant product of phytochemical, which is used as insecticides for killing larvae or adult mosquitoes or as repellents for protection against mosquito bites. Phytochemicals obtained from the whole plant or specific part of the plant by the extraction with different types of solvent such as aqueous, methanol, chloroform, benzene, acetone, etc., depending on the polarity of the phytochemical.
Some phytochemicals act as toxicant (insecticide) both against adult as well as larval stages of mosquitoes, while others interfere with growth and growth inhibitor or with reproduction or produce an olfactory stimulus, thus acting as repellent or attractant (Markouk et al., 2011).
2.2.1 Discussion of Oregano
2.2.2 Discussion of mosquito
Mosquitoes can transmit more diseases than any other group of arthropods and affect millions of people throughout the world (Ghosh, 2012). Mosquitoes also cause allergic responses in humans that include local skin and systemic reactions such as angioedema. AedesAegypti is generally known as a vector for an arbovirus responsible for dengue fever, which is endemic to Southeast Asia, the Pacific island area, Africa, and the Americas. This mosquito is also the vector of yellow fever in Central and South America and West Africa (Dhanasekaran 2013).
In relation to the Philippine setting, AedesAegypti mosquito is the primary vector of dengue. The virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female mosquitoes. After virus incubation for 4–10 days, an infected mosquito is capable of transmitting the virus for the rest of its life. Infected humans are the main carriers and multipliers of the virus, serving as a source of the virus for uninfected mosquitoes. The AedesAegypti mosquito lives in urban habitats and breeds mostly in man-made containers and they are a day-time feeder and the peak biting periods are early in the morning and in the evening before dusk. Female AedesAegypti bites multiple people during each feeding period (Bhat 2015).
Oregano (Coleus AromaticusBenth) is aromatic, green herb, with fleshy stems. It is also a eurasian plant species have been found a greater phenolic compounds exhibit strong insecticidal, antimicrobial and antifungal activity (Karnountsisi et al., 2010). Oregano is an erect, spreading, branched, rather than coarse, strongly larvicidal activity against mosquito.
Planting and Harvesting Oregano
According to Wetherbee (2010), Hardiness depends on the species or subspecies, most withstand a moderate freeze. In marginal areas, oregano grows annually or in containers that can overwinter indoors.
Soil preference
Oregano is easy-to-grow, can tolerate a variety of soils, as long as those soils are well drained. Like most Mediterranean-type herbs, they need only moderate water and grow best in a gravelly loam in full sun. If soil retains too much moisture, grow oregano in raised beds or containers. Put it in less water as easy as oregano it grows, it has one definite plant. To avoid it, amend the soil with plenty of organic matter to ensure better drainage. If too much humidity is a problem, encourage good air circulation by giving the plants plenty of room to spread.
Oregano is ready in harvesting when the plant is about 8 inches high. The flavor is most intense just before the plant blooms. Frequent harvests will produce a bushier plant and keeps foliage succulent. In fact, it's a good idea to cut plants back to about 6 inches at least twice during the growing season, leaving sample growth in fall to sustain the plant through winter. .
Drying and preserving
Drying deepens the flavor and mellows it, so it's not as bitter (Mark Carter, Carter House Inn and Restaurant 301, Eureka, California 2014). Cut oregano in the morning, after the dew has dried. Hang it in small bunches upside down, or lays it on screens in a warm, dry place. Once the oregano has dried the leaves will be crisp, remove the leaves from the stems and store them, whole, in a glass container. To preserve the essential oils, after cutting the branches collect the leaves and preserve it in the bottle until just before using them to chop or crush them.
The researchers used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). In applying it, first the researchers gather the corresponding time base on the experiment that was conduct and get the average of all numbers using MicrosoftExcel to come up a significant value. The researchers formulate the following a hypothesis Ho = There is no difference, Ha = There is significant difference. Theresearchers used Alpha (α)value equivalent to .05and this is constant were population (n) = 30this are the number of mosquito used in the experiment. The researchers formulate the Degree of Freedom equivalent to 29after subtracting the nand 1. After getting the Mean Square Between groups (MSB) and Mean Square Within the groups (MSW) the researchers used division and the answer is 2.29. The formula compares to tabular and it resulted to 2.87. The researchers made the statistical decision for hypothesis testing based on principle of ANOVA.
In table 4, the alpha level of significance given is .05, and the Degrees of freedom (Df) is 29 the Probability value is .047 which is compared to the level of significance .05 meaning there is significant difference between Oregano Against Mosquitoes, also shown in the table that the F complete which is equal to 2.92 being compared to F critical which is equal to 2.87 means the statistical decision for the hypothesis testing is reject the Ho meaning there is significant difference between the Wonder of Oregano Against Mosquitoes.
Majority of mosquitoes went to the empty bottle (without oregano) because it shows that mosquitoes want to avoid the scent of oregano leaves. Based on the gathered data the researchers used significance of variance to find out the significance between the oregano and mosquitoes.
After the experiment, the researchers conclude the Wonder of Oregano against Mosquitoes, based on the mosquitoes computed time of movement. The researchers applied observation in the movement of mosquitoes and upon observation, the mosquitoes moved to empty bottle and the researchers noticed a greater number of mosquitoes which stayed longer in bottle with oregano as evidenced by some mosquito trying to escape, the scent of oregano and moved in empty bottle. The researchers also found out that some mosquitoes stayed in bottle with oregano but their movement became slow and they look dizzy. The researchers also proved that carvacrol, a component of oregano can affect the activity of mosquitoes based on study through observing the time of movement. Carvacrol is one of the components of oregano (Joshi, R.K, 2011) and it produced scent that can trigger the activity of mosquitoes especially mosquito vectors that affect the time movement and their direction. The researchers therefore conclude that Oregano can use as alternative mosquito repellent.
Table 4 revealed that repelling mosquitoes does not have to mean using harsh chemicals. The researchers use oregano as the mosquito repellant. It shows that the fresher the crumpled oregano the more effective it is, in repelling the mosquitoes. It emits a more concentrated scent that is more effective in repelling mosquitoes and it effectiveness in repelling decreases as the scent fades away As the evidence of the result in these 3 trials, In the first trial 7 out of 10 of the mosquito, in the second trial 6 out of ten were repelled, and in the last trial 5 out of ten were repelled. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture (2015), they stated that oregano (Coleus Aromaticus Benth) has a known property effective against mosquitoes. This plant could be a source of alternative agents for control of mosquitoes because they are rich in bioactive chemicals and are active against a limited number of species including mosquitoes. Mosquitoes act as a vector for most of the life threatening diseases like dengue fever and the use of oregano as a new source of repellent in a natural way; less toxic chemicals are greatly viewed as a new way of developing a healthy life. The result in the experiment shows that the crumpled oregano leaves could repel the mosquito.
According to Kay Wagers (2015), He stated that oregano contains many compounds and one of them is carvacrol, a natural insect repellent. This compound is also found in plants like mint and thyme. The researchers used of Quasi- Experimental research, this allows the researchers to observed where the mosquito will moved in two bottle using time interval and ratio computed by means of one way analysis of variance. The F computed which is equal to 2.92 is greater than F critical which is equal to 2.87 means the statistical discussion for the hypothesis testing is reject the hypothesis. The researchers therefore conclude that there is significance difference between oregano triggering the unusual behavior of mosquito as evidenced by mosquito moving in empty bottle. It means the direction of their movement affect by the oregano. The researchers reject hypothesis. Therefore, it is effective in repelling mosquito.
3.4 Research Ethics
3.7 Data Analysis
Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and or logical techniques o describe and illustrate, condense, recap and evaluate of data. According to Shamoo and Resnik, various analytic procedures provide a way of drawing inductive inferences from data distinguishing the signal from the present in the data (2011).
The researchers used video recorder and timer as the main sources of data. Collecting the following time interval and ratio has been conducted during experiment within the three trials period to test the effectiveness of the oregano as a mosquito repellant. Three bottles were made available: Bottle 1 (with mosquitoes), Bottle 2 (with oregano leaves), and Bottle 3 (Empty bottle). The researchers analyzed the experiment based on the following criteria: First, observing the behavior of mosquito in initial stimulus. Mosquitoes were alive, active and they stayed on a certain side of the bottle and well rested, secondly the researchers’ observations in time, consume by mosquito’s reaction, movement and direction during the stimulus of the bottle. Mosquitoes were distracted upon stimulation and tapping of the first bottle it triggers the mosquitoes to find a way to escape and move within the two respective bottles. Third observation of mosquitos’ directions and recording the bottle with majority number of mosquitoes between the bottles filled with oregano leaves or without oregano leaves.
The ethics in every research is very important especially in conducting an experiment. The researchers evaluate the cost and benefits for most decisions in the study, whether the researchers are aware of it or not. The researchers apply the ethics in accordance to ethical principle on all stages of this research, such as planning, conducting and evaluating the research project.
The ethical issues observed in this Quasi-experimental research were the following; avoid any risk of considerably harming people, the environment, or property unnecessarily. Not to plagiarize the work of others. Not commit science fraud, falsify research or otherwise conduct scientific. Basically, the researchers followed all regulations given, and also anticipate possible ethical problems in their research.
The researchers initially analyzed the procedure or steps in conducting the experiment and the researchers made sure that there is no unethical action has made. The researchers focuses to avoid plagiarize by understanding how to use the knowledge and appropriately acknowledge the depth of the work of the others. The researchers make sure that when reading or researching for written work or experiments, the researchers include notes, or any photo copies, the full reference detail of each source that were being used. This will ensure that information and sources are fully acknowledged.
The researchers consider the principle of beneficent. The researchers applied beneficent by doing well to others through the good outcome of this study, it can help those individuals in depressed areas to solve their problems related to mosquito carrying disease.
3.3Population Sampling
The researchers collected the mosquito eggs by preparing clear water and place it into the dim light ideally at the kitchen until they reach the life cycle of adult mosquito. The researchers put the number of mosquito larvae into canister filled with clear water. The researchers cultivate the mosquitoes at least 30 pieces of mosquito is needed and transfer it inside the prepared bottles. Otherwise researchers can catch mosquitoes using bare hands up to complete the desire number of mosquito. In preparing oregano leaves, the researchers collect preparedly at least 20 leaves of oregano comes from the backyard. And to store it, use an empty bottle with water to preserve the scent of oregano leaves.
Research Method
3.6 Data Collection
This study collected the data using video recorder, filled notes for writing down the time intervals and check list during the act of experiment. These materials are very useful. Especially in taking the whole package, detailed process of experiment. Noting or writing down all the data is very important also to find out for discrepancies upon doing the experiment also in making detailed documentation.
This study used direct observation .The researchers recorded the event, using a video camera to observe the behavior and reaction made by the mosquitoes upon stimulation of main bottle with mosquitoes going to Bottle A with oregano leaves and Bottle B without oregano.
Bagong Silang is located in North Caloocan established under the administration of former President Ferdinand Marcos. The name of barangay came from the Tagalog word which means “new born”. The namesake of the barangay was meant to signify “a new hope” for most of its residents who originally relocated from slum areas from Tondo in Manila, Commonwealth in Q.C and San Juan. It is the largest barangay in the country in terms of land area covering 524.68 hectares. Bagong Silang is also the largest barangay in terms of population with over 245,000 residents which accounts for about 16 percent of the total population of Caloocan.
The researchers used Quasi-experimental research. It involves observation for a scientific purpose, usually to test cause-and-effect difference between variables under conditions which as far as possible, are controlled by the researchers(Anthony D. Harris 2010). It involves the uses of scientific observations, but more than observation, it involves the manipulation and control of phenomena. The research design is applicable on this study because the researchers can able to observe the time interval when the mosquitoes will move, whether in the direction of bottle with oregano or in an empty bottle. This observation will allow the researchers to determine the effectiveness of oregano leaves in repelling mosquito.
3.5 Research Instrument
The instruments that were used in the study include the following materials 3 Wilkins 6000ml, rubber bond, portable lights, pen, notebook, steel net, video camera, 20 oregano leaves, 30 mosquitoes and timer.
Research Simulacrum
Research Question 1.
- Is there a significant difference between oregano leaves affecting the unusual behavior of the mosquito?
Ho (null hypothesis)
There is no significant difference between oregano triggering the unusual behavior of the mosquito.
The most leading disease that may cause problem in the Philippines during rainy season is Dengue that is why the researchers want to contribute alternative way to reduce incidents of the said disease through the use of oregano. Usually communities are educated to control the mosquitoes by removing the mosquito’s natural habitat or killing the mosquito using fogging chemical insecticides. The researchers conduct a sort of experiment to prove the existing knowledge about Oregano (Coleus AromaticusBenth) it can use as alternative insecticide. The purpose of the study is not only to prove the positive effects of using oregano leaves as an effective and alternative use of mosquito repellant. In this experiment, the researchers collected and gathered the materials needed: 30 mosquitoes and 20 oregano leaves, 3 empty bottles (wilkins 6000ml), video recorder and timer. The researchers conducted the study at BagongSilang North Caloocan City. The crumpled Oregano leaves, shown after the experiment is capability of triggering the activity of mosquitoes and it resulted to make the mosquito to move away from the annoying scent of oregano because it acts as a mosquito repellant. The findings throughout this experiment have confirmed using the statistical formula of ANOVA that oregano leaves were effective mosquito repellant, because it throws away the mosquito that causes dizziness to mosquito and after several minutes, it tends to find another way to stay away from the smell of oregano leaves because it contain a phytochemicals characteristic that is being used as an insecticide.
Andres, Shaira Mae
Astibe, Gemma
Delmo, Charmaine
Garcia, Angelo
Navalta, Nikki Irish
Simangan, Roxanne
Tantengco, Martin
Live Life Naturally: The Wonder of Oregano Against Mosquitoes