Incite of the Bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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Observations by the Japanses after the disaster the US had done
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Harry Truman decision marked us
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August 6th-14th, 1945 a days to remember
- After watching and seeing how the atomic bomb had vaporized innocent children, you can imagine that our decision wasn't clever.
- We were just becoming monsters in opinion.
- We could have taken some kind money or purpose a treaty for new territories than becoming equal with the demons.
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Author point of view of this event
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- On August 9th, 1945, the Soviet Union had dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki, where upwards of 80,000 people had died, instantly, like Hiroshima aftermath.
- This man shown in the picture on the right hand side, his name is Harry Truman, the man who killed incident lives in japan in arsenal and vein
- So on August 6th 1945, a plane known as the Enola Gay had dropped a nuke on the city of Hiroshima, right away 70,000-100,000 citizens of Japan were vaporized to dust.
- And after weeks later, several 100,000 people had been killed by the radiation and burn marks of the bomb.
- As we know it, Harry Truman had made a bad decision after acknowledging the success of the Manhattan project which had suggest him in ending the war with Japan with nuclear doom.
- But why unleashing this much of power which was the most terrible weapon know to man. The atomic bomb.
- Truman had said that dropping the bomb was one of the most difficult decision he had to make. His reason was because Japan refused to give up their fight with the US.
- But take in hand that the Japanese commander had rejected Truman's request of unconditional surrender and that lead to our decision.
- If Japan had just taken the conditional surrender which stated the demands, nuclear destruction wouldn't have occured.
- Many Japanese told suvery officers that the aftermath of the atomic bomb, had crushed many of their homes and in the buildings they had worked in.
- Many human skeletons quickly turned into ashes.
- Large number of Japanese people had developed vomiting and bloody movements due to the fumes of the bomb.
- Some had survived the bombing but they had died after the first or second weeks after the nuke chemicals spread throughout their bodies.
- Finally, Japan had surrendered after losing most of their population.
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- Paul Ham, which had wrote the book, "Hiroshima Nagasaki: The Read Story of the Atomic Bombings and Their Aftermath", had really set a good baseline of what people had thought about the bomb.
- In his book, he had included the facts that hundreds of thousands of people were neuralized by the radiation affect and the dropping of the bomb.
- But the moment when he argues the fact with American leaders saying, the bomb was the least disgusting choice we had made.
- And still people today, believed that the event that occured in Hiroshima, Japan had saved millions of Americans and Japanese lives.
- But evidence that supports Ham reasoning were given more power with eye-witnesses who had survived the destrucion of the nuclear bomb. He said that eighty people survived and saw what had happened.
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- His reasoning for doing this isn't in justice, he overly says it was purely military purpose.
- And if we had done a land attack, he says that would have cost us millions of caualties lost in fight.
- And by any means if argues what he had one had saved Japanese lives as well. Evidence shows his argument were wrong.
- And his great decision was not to let the war go on forever, and needed a quick stop that would end it.
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- Many have said that Truman's decision was very brutal and cruel and brought negative long term consequences to the United States.
- This would led to a new dangerous arms race. Which nation would be the new world power as we move on, from this date.
- Has we know it that Truman doesn't really have heart because he only saw little difference droppint the bomb on Hiroshima.
- This debate will always be controversial and never end, mark my words and others.
- This image above, is the remembrance of the innocent lives lost when the atomic bomb had fell in Japan.
- Severel thousands of people attend every year.
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- What had really blurred our vision in what happen was really all this propaganda during the postwar and the truth that was being hidden from us.
- To this point many have debated on the US decision to drop the bomb. Did you know that the US remains as the only nation to use the nuclear bomb on another nation.
Brief Explannation:
What you are about to see is the effect of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Japan. The touch of the bomb nearly killed 100,000 people right away.
This catastrophic event push our chances to have peace between Japan and the US.
Why we should be aware of what we had done to Japan in WWII
Close look of what happen to the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- The great experience that George Weller had done, has been shown throughout his book, "First Into Nagasaki: The Censored eyewitness Dispatches on Post-Atomic Japan and Its Prisoners of War".
- He had witness what many authorities wanted to hide from reporters about what effects had occured in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- Weller had said that, he was the very first one to reach Nagasaki site and to observe the divastation that had occured from the aftermath of the bomb. It was September 9th, 1945.
- Throughout the three weeks he had stayed near the camps in Nagasaki he had unvealed the truth of what the US had done.
- He had witness many people with radiation burns who looked like they were in agony, and dieing slowly with pain.
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We should be aware of what we had done when we dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, because it pushed our relationship with another nation. Throughout history, it had illustrated negative consequences to United States, that marked our nation as the only nation using a nuclear weapon on another nation. Some asian cultural values we had not illustrate was not respecting Japan's boundaries and limitations as we pushed the red button to drop the warhead. Another traditional value that we didnt take beforehand was blame of self for failure. We didn't want our nation, the United States being seen as a weak nation and that had led us to drop the bomb, to end world war II, but we had disrespected another nation which was Japan.
If we had rather made a peace treaty or something like that, we would have a stronger relationship with Japan. In some part its also Japans fault, because they didn't want to surrender under our demands and that had forced president Truman during the time to detonate his most powerful weapon knew to mankind, the atomic bomb. He who was a cruel and brutal man, should have given concern to what affect will it have on innocent lives. You can't just kill innocent people, thats human like. I say President Truman really didnt have a soul and he shouldn't had let go of his most powerful weapon to just end a war. We could have shot warning shots and came in conclusion to a peace treaty or taken territories rather destroying all of them. Like Thomas A Edison had said, "Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. And Gandhi had purpose non-violence and thats important in asian culture, still today. This devastating event had thought that we shoudl respect each other without the harm of nuclear forces, this is an important asian value.
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- This image above shows the approximated death count of how many childerns how died from the atomic bomb that we had dropped on Japan in 1945.
- Weller had interviewed doctors who were curing the ill victims from the bombs radiation. He had found out that the US was basically censoring the words that were broadcast throught televisions to the US citizens.
- This was Wellers insight of the bomb which had destroy Japan but had also ended World War II.
Strength of an Atomic Bomb
- The B-29 carried up 10 tons of bombs. You can imagine how many must had died from at least one drop.
- Could we have signed a peace treaty rather than destroying another city?
Lastly Suprising facts that about the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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What weapons did we use to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
- The bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were two different bombs. The one which dropped over Hiroshima was called the Little Boy and the one dropped over Nagasaki was called the Fat Man.
- Nagasaki was never really the first target on the list. Their were 5 targets, Kokura, Hiroshima, Yokohama, Niigata, and Kyoto. Henry L. Stimson, Secretary of War, didn't want to bomb Kyoto to suprising fact of him spending his honeymoon down their previously, And because of that reason on July 25th, Nagasaki was the replacement for Kyoto.
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Well the dropping of the atomic bomb was a significant event that occured during WWII. The bomb had ended WWII and had created new problems. The US had originally plan to attack Japan by mainland bombing but Truman knew that the invasion would cost at least a million of US lives and a long time. He didn't want to take that chance. So this event, using the two bomb known as the Little boy and Fat man, had led to US to win and defeat Japan during WWII. This event will never be forgotten. If you think about it, the atomic bomb dropped in wwII had caused more problems than it had solved.
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- We use the B-29 U.S. heavy bomber to drop the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- The image below is a picture of the B-29 air bomber plane. The plane can carry up to 10 tons of bombs.
- Even when Japanese radars were able to detect US airplanes hovering near by the city of Hiroshima, they didnt think that the US had deployed more than three planes and they ignored it and cancel the air raid alert. But it was the atomic bomb that coming their way.
- Suprisingly a tree known as the Ginkgo had survived the HIroshima bombing. The tree is very unique that it is the only tree with no living relatives. Its like a fossil. This tree in Hiroshima has suvived for more than 270 million years and has survived from many events that could have lead it to its extinction. The tree is still a live today.
Picture of Hiroshima after the atomic bomb
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An inside look of the Little Boy Bomb
An inside look of the Fat man bomb.
Hiroshima before and after the drop of the atomic bomb
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- Nagasaki was Japan's second oldest port base that allowed trading with other nations.
- It was the only port that the Tokugawa shogunate aka government allowed during the 1639-1859, every other port was closed.
- The bomb was dropped on August 9th, 1945, as you can see the city was vaporize in little pieces.
- Did you know that about 40% of the buildings were destroyed completely after the bomb touched the ground.
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Caption: As you can see in the image, that millions died from the nuclear bomb and the entire city was basically eliminated. Was this the best decision?
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Impact of WWII and the bomb on Japan
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Nagasaki before and after the drop of the atomic bomb
Was dropping the bomb the right choice?
The opposite effect of the bomb on the US, just imagine!
How would Americans define us dropping the bomb that day, on Japan?
- Many Americans would say that we dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, to save thousands of lives by making an invasion uneccessary during the end of World War II.
- ABC's Newscaster Ted Koppel had said this. He thinks if we didn't do this the disaster between US and Japan would have been even worst.
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- Let's take a few minutes thinking about what effects we cause in Japan when we dropped the atomic bomb. Could we have done revenge back on them without killing innocent citizens of Hiroshima.
- We had killed more than 200,000 innocent civilian men, women, and childern when we bombed Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But we also had 23 Americans aviators down locked in Hiroshima prisons, which we had killed. See, we had killed our own men.
- Those aviators were part of the United States Air Force. Were we just becoming a monsters?
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- If Japan had air raid us, rather than we had air Japan; destroying their cities.
- Look at the effect. The red and black points on the United States map are the places/cities that would have been affected by Japanese bomber planes.
- To be exact 69 cities would have been affect heavily but more to the east coast.
- You imagine the vivid imagines on people faces when they see nukes falling from the sky.
- And in contrast this is basically what we had done to Japan, we our B-29 planes.
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What kind of impact did the atomic bomb have?
- Nagasaki was a very beautiful before we demolished it.
- You can see the aftermath had vaporize all living life throughout the city.
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Just Imagine what we caused!
- World War II was very terrifying for East Asian countries, especially Japan.
- Well for the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, these cities basically became extinct and had been air raid by a nuclear bomb.
- Several million of people had died.
Impact of WWII on Japan and the Atomic bomb affect