Take Away
Thomas Jefferson Domestic Policy
- Jefferson left a tremendous impact on the United States by the end of his presidency.
- Significantly reduced the size and expenses of the Federal Government.
- National debt was slashed from $80 million to 57 million in just 2 years.
Discussion Points
- What have you learned so far?
- What do you know about Thomas Jefferson's presidency?
- First order of business was to establish a "wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another"; what does this mean to you?
Quick Write
What do you feel was the most important reform that Jefferson made in regards to his Domestic Policy? Why?
Jefferson's Domestic Policy
- Transition to “Jeffersonian Democracy” placed strict limits on the national government and embraced agrarianism.
- Believed in a weaker national government
- Jefferson's first priority was to eliminate the national debt
- Felt strongly about a smaller military, as well as a smaller national government.
- Found it necessary to repeal many taxes and acts that hindered the American people.
- Strengthened positions and beliefs within the Judiciary
- Repeal of Judiciary Act of 1801
- Eliminated Federalist judges from serving in lifetime positions
- John Marshall - Marbury v. Madison