forced separation (mostly in education and housing)
The Cold War Unfolds
Two Sides in Europe and Nuclear Weapons
Cold War Goes Global
Soviet Union in the Cold War
United States in the Cold War
soviets sought to spread communist ideology
Free Markets. Mixed economy, but mostly market economy.
value system and beliefs
around the globe.
Containment of the Communist countries.
strategy of keeping something within its existing boundaries and preventing further expansion. it means supporting any gvt facing invasion or internal rebellion by that something.
Stalin and Communist Successors
Warsaw Pact:
built fallout structures
protect people from fallout (radioactive particles)
individual alliances with
Leonid Brezhnev
Warsaw Pact
Nikita Khrushchev
held power mid-1960's to 1982. Critics faced arrest and imprisonment.
held power 1953 to mid-1960's. denounced Stalin's abuse of power, but kept Communist Party's political control. closed prison camps and eased censorship. called for a "peaceful coexistence" with the West.
Britain, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan
in case of nuclear threat
nations stronger than other
powerful nations.
individual alliances with
Cold War fears led to "red scare" in US
Many Americans feared that communists in the US might try to undermine the gvt.
many local conflicts all over the globe
many revolts in
East Europe
Some Soviets Bravely Resist.
Fidel Castro
began Cuban Revolution. rebelled against Cuban dictator with Soviet Union's help. began Cuban communist regime.
Fidel Castro organized rebellion.
"balance of terror"
mutually assured destruction. discouraged nuclear war.
Cuba goes Communist.
Andrey Sakharov spoke out for civil liberties.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn criticized Stalin.
HUAC led a similar campaign. They sought to expose communist sympathizers in Hollywood's movie industry. Many of the accused were no longer able to get decent jobs.
Senator Joseph McCarthy led a hunt. became notorious for unproven charges. Accusing innocent people of communism=McCarthyism.
Reagan launches program
anti-ballistic missiles (ABM)
Kennedy supports the Bay of Pigs Invasion
missiles that could shoot down other
missiles from hostile countries
agree to limit ABMs
Ronald Reagan
US president in 1980's. Critics objected to his
"Star Wars" program. signed START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) with Soviet Union 1991
invasion attempt by US-trained Cuban exiles to end communist regime in Cuba
to build "Star Wars" missile defense
John F. Kennedy
US president. attempted to bring down Cuban communism. imposed trade embargo on Cuba that still remains today.
relaxation of tensions
era of Detente
The Industrialized Democracies
America Prospers
Democracy Expands Opportunities
Western Europe Rebuilds
Japan's Transformation
Foreign trade helps achieve a long postwar boom in US.
Japan had suffered the most devastating damage in WWII.
a period when the economy shrinks
West Germany's
"Economic Miracle"
many minority groups faced legal segregation and discrimination
East Germany
West Germany
Martin Luther King Jr.
unequal treatment or barriers (mostly in jobs and voting)
US=world's wealthiest economy.
movement of people to communities outside an urban core.
American occupation in Japan establishes parliamentary democracy and starts social reforms. Occupation ends 1952.
suburbanites typically lived in single-family homes with lawns and access to good schools. highways allowed residents to commute to work by car.
SU occupied
Warsaw Pact
communist state
economy stagnated
US-GB-FR occupied
NATO alliance
democratic gvt
economic boom
leader of Civil
Rights Movement
Konrad Adenauer
West Germany's chancellor 1949-1963. guided rebuilding of cities, factories, and trade. build a modern and highly productive industrial base.
Adenauer helped create a booming industrial economy
Women Demand
many moved to the Sunbelt (states in the South and Southwest)
JAPAN DEVELOPS THE LDP (Liberal Democratic Party)
Americans of all races joined the movement.
Many European nations weak, so abandoned their colonial empires after WWII
won laws banning discrimination against women
Japan's success was built on export.
movies, television, rock-and-roll.
Economic Miracle.
The Welfare State
Welfare State
a country with a market economy but with increased gvt responsibility for the social and economic needs of its people
Its GDP soared year after year.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
total value of all goods and services produced in a nation within a particular year
reasons for success:
Pres. Eisenhower
Pres. Truman
Government Role Grows.
Republicans Respond.
high taxes and greater gvt regulations of private enterprise. Conservatives condemned this.
national healthcare, unemployment insurance, old-age pensions, aid to the poor, economic cushions.
Congress made programs to help veterans, the elderly, and the poor
approved gvt funding to build vast interstate highway system
had industrialized before in the past
Amercan military protection saved Japan money
educated and skilled workforce
gvt protected industries by limiting imports
expanded social programs for poor and disadvantaged. Democrats funded Medicare.
ended some social programs, reduced gvt regulation of economy, cut taxes, increased military spending.
European Community
the European Community
organization dedicated to establishing free trade among member nations (West Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Italy, and later Britain and others) for all products. gradually ended terrifs and allowed workers and capital to move freely accross national borders.
political crisis in Middle East->Oil Shock->Recession
End of the Cold War
Communism Declines Around the World
Soviet Union Declines
Changes in Eastern Europe
The US as Sole Superpower
After Gorbachev introduced glasnost and perestroika, demands for freedom increase.
North Korea
Hungary quietly reforms,
Hungary had remained loyal to the Warsaw Pact, so it was allowed to go ahead with reforms.
signs of weakness in the Soviet System
Victory in WWII brought few rewards for Soviet people.
Khrushchev and Brezhnev's reforms gave way to repression
Soviet command economy could not match Western rivals
Cracking under the burden of military commitments
After the decline of the SU, only the US could project its power around the world.
refused to reform at all. rigidly totalitarian gvt. isolated itself.
Lech Walesa
independent labor union in Poland. won millions of members and demanded political as well as economic change.
Solidarity's leader. Arrested by gvt. and became a national hero. After release, became Polish president.
Poland embraces solidarity,
Lech Walesa organized Solidarity.
builds on Deng's economic reforms but refuses political changes
US emerged as world's leading military power.
Soviets have their own "Vietnam" in Afghanistan
East Germans demand change
resisted Gorgachev's reforms. considered glasnost subversive.
Vaclav Havel
Muslim religious warriors
dissident writer and human rights activist of Czechoslovakia
Soviets battled American-aided mujahedin in the difficult mountains of Afghanistan.
gvts fall,
Gorbachev announced he would not interfere with reforms. Solidarity legalized in Poland, and Walesa became president. Vaclav Havel became president of Czechoslovakia. East and West Germany began to reunite. Ceausescu was executed. Soviet Union crumbled.
Americans seemed unsure of their proper role in the world.
economy deteriorated. many feel
that communism here would not long outlive its founder, Castro.
Nicolae Ceausescu
opened itself up to the world.
established diplomatic relations
with the US
found its way economically
Romania's longtime dictator who refused to step down
Gorbachev's reforms called for glasnost and perestroika.
and Czechoslovakia splits.
restructuring of the gvt and economy. reduce size of bureaucracy and back limited private enterprise.
oppenness. no censorship. discuss country's problems openly.
Some rejected the risk and expense of being the "world's policemen," while others believed the US should be more aggressive in world affairs.
However, they brought economic turmoil.
1992, Czechs and Slovaks peacefully agreed to divide Czechoslovakia into Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
Soviet Union separated into 12 nations