Visible Implant Elastomer Tags (VIE)
By: Macy Moherman
impact on animals
Process of tagging
- Positive- Most animals are not harmed or effected by the implant.
- In a study on Brown Trout, suggests that capture and marking had no major negative effect on fish growth or mortality.
In a recent Study on
zebra fish
Advantages of VIE tags
- Up to 120 adult zebrafish can be tagged in one hour
- Does not increase mortality in adult zebrafish
- Or interfere with growth in juvenile or adult zebrafish
(Olsen & Vøllestad, 2001)
Limitations of VIE tags
Hohn, C. (2013). BIOLOGY OPEN. 2; 12; p1397-p1401
Nicolás, A., Juan, M., Montero, D., Oliva, V., Fernández, H., & Izquierdo, M. (2005) Aquaculture Research. Vol. 36 Issue 8, p733-738.
Northwest Marine Technology. (2008). Visible Implant Elastomer Tag Project Manual. Guidelines on planning and conducting projects using VIE and associated equipment
Olsen, E., & Vøllestad, A. ( 2001).An Evaluation of Visible Implant Elastomer for Marking Age-0 Brown Trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 21(4).
Tagging of White's seahorse. (2012).,
Check out this video!
- Limited coding capacity
- Tag may be difficult to detect if tissue is laid down over the tag
- Tags may not be noticed by casual observers
- The system uses a bio-compatible, two-part, elastomer material.
- Mixed then injected into the animal using a syringe.
- Hours or days this material cures into a pliable solid.
(Northwest Marine Technology,2008).
- High retention rates
- Used for small fish or animals
- Minimal impact on fish survival, growth and behavior
- Low material cost
- Fast to apply
- Tags detected visually in ambient light
(Northwest MarineTechnology,2008)
(Nortwest Marine Technology,2008)
What are Visible Implant Elastomer Tags or simply (VIE)?
Color of tags
- A variety of colors can be used to tag.
- Colors are used based on the ability to see the tag in the animals natural environment.
- In a recent study involving the tagging of juvenile gilthead seabream, the colors red, green, orange and yellow were used.
- The most visible tag that they tested was the color red. (Nicolás, Juan, Montero, Oliva, Fernández, & Izquierdo, 2005)
So what exactly
are you
going to do
to me?
- The VIE system provides colored tags that are visable externally.
- Used for fish and other animals that are too small for NMT VI Alpha tag.
- Injected in transparent or translucent tissue.
Visible Implant Elastomer Tags (VIE)
(Northwest Marine Technology,2018)