April 30, 1945
Hitler is defeated and World War II ends in Europe.
December 18, 1934
December 18, 1943
Hitler takes over Hungary and begins deporting 12,000 Hungarian Jews each day to Auschwitz where they are murdered.
80-85% of all the Jewish people who would die in the Holocaust already have been murdered.
December 18, 1938
German Jews are stripped of their rights.
November 10, 1938
Kristallnact, the "Night of the Broken Glass" occurs.
June 20, 1942
Nazi officials discuss the "Final Solution" to the government officials.
December 18, 1941
January 1, 1940
Jews across Western Eurpe are being forced into ghettos and more rights are taken away.
January 1, 1936
January 30, 1933
Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.
Jews are forced into ghettos and are put into concentration camps.
Nazis boycott Jewish-owned businesses and Jews no longer have the right to vote.
August 2, 1934
Hitler becomes 'further' or leader of Germany
January 1, 1935
Jews are deprived of their citizenship and other basic rights.
April 30, 1946
At Nuremburg, Nazi leaders are tried for war crimes by the above Judicial assembly.
Holocaust Timeline