Incubation stage
- Industrial- Shift from wood to coal in the 18th century, deforestation caused wood shortages; had abundant coal reserves. British had financial institutions in place, such as central bank, to finance new factories. Profits from booming cotton and trade industries allowed support for construction of factories. Britain's cotton industry charged ahead of many other countries.Mass production provided cheaper goods.
- Industrial- New laws protected investors from liability. Monopolies, trusts, and cartels: competitive associations. vertical organization: Rockefeller standard oil co. Horizontal organization(or cartel): IG Farben, worlds largest chemical company. Industrialization caused material standards of living, and population of Europe and America rose sharply from 1700-1900. Better diets and improved sanitation reduced death rate of adults and children.
- France- The Estates General was formed into the National Assembly produced by strong urban pressure. The third estate wanted each delegate to vote instead of one vote for each estate. The members of the National Assembly claimed to represent all people, the King disagreed but they overruled. The Tennis court oath was formed; all the delegates agreed but all except one of the 578 signed the oath. It stated that they wanted a change in the government of France's absolute monarchy, a step into the rise of Democracy. They made a constitution that wanted to keep a true order on the monarchy.
- French- France was on the break of being bankrupt due to King Louis XVI spending enourmous amounts of money on himself as well as on residences like Versailles. Queen Marie Antoinnette was seen as a wasteful spender;also the government depleted funds from the war. This all caused debt and irritation among lower classes.
Symptomatic stage
- Industrial- Demand for cheap cotton spurred mechanization of the cotton industry.James Hargreaves' invention of the spinning Jenny in 1764, yard could be produced in greater quantities. 1787, Edmund Cartwright's power loom revolutionized the speed of cloth weaving. James Watt developed the steam engine which further transformed the cotton industry. Iron and steel also important industries with cultural refinement. Transportation improved with steam engines and improved steel.
- Both revolutions had a major impact on how men would live their lives in the future. Both also had great and grave social impact on future generations.
- French- Voltaire, Rousseau and other intellectuals began to question if natural might apply to human beings, especially government and other institutions. Using reason as well as logic they began to understand and determine how governments are formed, bringing more riots and outcasts. using the saying "what is the third estate?" many individuals broke out along with more sayings. The Liberal clergymen rallied commoners to France to assert their power and to take charge of the estates general. They declared themselves the National Assembly, pleasing and angering individuals. Others wanted to return to Paris for the protection of the people, others against the action.
Crisis Stage
- Industrial- The factory gradually replaced the putting-out system. Factory system required division of labor; each worker performed a single task. required high degree of coordination , and working conditions were often harsh. workers lost status; not skilled, lost wage earners. Harsh work discipline, fast pace of work, frequent accidents. Luddites struck against mills and destroyed machines. Industrializing was expensive; required large capital investment.
- France- Conditions were worse for the common people in Paris; price of bread increasing and short supply of supplies due to harvest failures. rumors spread that the King and Queen were the reason for these shortages, causing the French troops to bombard into the capital. Mobs entered in search of weapons, causing a strain on the economy and government. Women marched to Versailles demanding bread for their families. Many extremely angry and upset with the government and the way they treated them, influencing others to riot. France was out of control, King Louis wasnt in charge,; the people were, causing a whole new government for the revolution.
- The industrial Revolution involved economic and industrial concepts. The French Revolution was based on political and social constructs like the rights of man, and the citizen and enlightenment philosophy.
French and Industrial Revolution
By: Abby Crouse