- Was born on December 16, 1485 and was the youngest surviving child of Ferdinand and Isabella.
- Catherine received typical education for women in the 15th century.
- Taught religion, housewife skills, literacy, and spoke Spanish,Latin, French and English.
- After her wedding to Arthur they moved to Ludlow Castle and lived happily for six months until both of them got extremely sick.
- Arthur, an always weak and sick child died, and young Catherine was left a widow
- Catherine still young was engaged to Henry VII younger son Henry, even though he was too young too get married.
- Henry VII wanted to keep the dowry he made with the King and Queen of Spain.
- Catherine was married to Henry VIII and crowed Queen of England on June 24, 1509
- Catherine's first child was a stillborn daughter
- Next, was Prince Henry who was born Jan. 1, 1511 but he died 52 days after he was born.
- Catherine then had a miscarriage, followed by another short-lived son.
- Feb 1516 Mary was born and this child lived
- Henry was getting distressed that he cannot produce a living male.
- Caused him to take a mistress.
- Catherine could no longer conceive.
- She was first kept in the dark about Henry's wishes, when she heard she was upset.
- 1533 Ann Boleyn became pregnant.
- Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer granted the annulment.
- Catherine had to renounce tile of Queen, and was giving title of Princess Dowager Wales.
- She was separated from her daughter, and was forced to leave court.
- Next 3 years Catherine lived in awful, and unhealthy castles.
- Died at the age of 50 in 1536, and buried by her position of princess.
The priest shall take the right hand of each of them and say:
Priest: say after me,
-I pledge to you that I will take you to be my wife and spouse within forty days, if holy Church agrees.
Then the priest shall say to the woman:
Priest: say after me:
- I pledge to you that I will take you to be my husband and master,
Groom: I take you to be my wife and my spouse and I pledge to you the faith of my body, that I will be faithful to you and loyal with my body and my goods and that I will keep you in sickness and in health and in whatever condition it will please the Lord to place you, and that I shall not exchange you for better or worse until the end
You are cordially invited to the wedding
Prince Arthur of Wales and Catherine of Aragon
Arthur Tudor & Catherine of Aragon
Treaty of Medina del Campo
Arriving in England
- In 1501 Catherine made the journey to England
- Took about 3 months, and it was a terrible and rocky journey
- However, Catherine made it safe landfall at Plymouth.
- Catherine and Arthur officially met on November 4th just 10 days before the wedding.
- Treaty between Spain and England
- Signed on March 27, 1489 at Medina del Campo in northern Spain.
- Detailed the proposed marriage between Arthur and Catherine of Aragon
- Reduced tariffs between the two countries
- Opposition to France
Hard Times
Ferdinand and Isabella were to pay a dowry for the marriage of her daughter. They were supposed to pay in two parts. One when Catherine arrived in England and one after the wedding ceremony
Catherine of Aragon
Life as a Queen
Anxiety and Separation
- Catherine was competent.
- She managed the royal household, and also supervised in royal business.
- She also acted as a spanish ambassador to England.
Life after Divorce
Challenges for Catherine
Born a Tudor
- Arthur Tudor was born on September 20, 1486
- First son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York
- Named after the "legendary" medieval King Arthur
- First heir of united Lancaster and York House
- Named Prince of Wales and age 3
- Education
- Poet laureate Bernard André
- Knowledgeable of the Greek and Latin authors by 15 years old
- Was never a very strong, healthy child
A Royal Wedding
True Love
After the wedding Catherine and Arthur were publicly put to bed.
This custom is were the bride was taken to her bed chamber, undressed and then sent to her husband's room. Then the groom was taken away and was prepared for bed and then was sent to the room where is bride was in.
'never felt so much joy in his life as when he beheld the sweet face of his bride'.
-Prince Arthur
St. Paul's Cathedral
Sudden Death
Ludlow Castle, UK
Love Letters
Arthur would write letters to Catherine in Latin before they met, and she would respond. However, the letters seemed mostly platonic than romantic.
Was the marriage legitimate?
Marriage was rumored not to be consummated because they were too young.
- Wedding took place on November 14, 1501 at St. Paul's Cathedral
- Arthur had to rehearse the wedding ceremony three times due to Ferdinand's doubts about his future son-in-law's health.
- Catherine was received on the porch of the west end of the church with a fanfare of trumpets that followed her.
- Arthur and Catherine were married by Archbishop of Canterbury
- After the wedding a celebration lasting 10 days commenced with jousting, archery, play-acting and more.
- Arthur and Catherine returned to Arthur's residence in Ludlow on the Welsh borders after their marriage.
- After 5 months of marriage, both fell ill, possibly from a plague outbreak.
- Arthur died on May 2, 1502
- Catherine was left a widow, but eventually married Arthur's brother, Henry VIII, now the future heir to the throne.
- They did not produce an heir.
Living Together
Traditional Wedding Vows
Both Catherine, Princess of Wales, and Arthur Prince of Wales moved to Ludlow on December 21 and they lived together even though others thought they were too young.
Prince Arthur's tomb in Worcester Cathedral
Death by Neglect?
There is uncertainty surrounding Arthur's cause of death, but there is also speculation about the decision to send Arthur and Catherine off to Ludlow, away from doctors in London, when it was known that he was not always in the best health.
Arthur and Catherine Betrothed
- Arthur's marriage to Catherine of Aragon was decided on when Arthur was 2 years old.
- Marriage negotiations were finalized in the Treaty of Medina del Campo in 1498.
- In February 1498 Catherine and Arthur made an appeal to the pope to get married before coming of age.
- May 1499 Catherine and Arthur were married by proxy at Manor House in Bewdley
- Back in the 1500s the term couple was only used to refer to married people.
- The daughter had no choice in who she had to marry. Her parents chose for her.
- The husband chosen had to be from the same class
- Both parties had to publicly declare the wedding and have to have a witness.
- The couple had to consummate the wedding.
- The wedding ring was worn on the right had and moved to the left on the wedding day.