Upper-Working Class
- Most prestigious class for women to fall under.
- Wore fancy clothes such as corsets, laces, and veils.
- Usually had a form on inheritance passed down and married rich.
- Sometimes lucky enough to receive a general education.
Lower-Working Class
Patriarchy and The Role of Women in the Early 1800s
- Class where the majority of women fell.
- Began working as young as 8 or 12.
- Worked in domestic service, as agricultural laborers, seamstress, washer women, and serving the wealthy.
- Still expected to maintain a home, caused high-stress.
- Women were controlled by every male figure in their life.
- Sole purpose in life was to find a husband, remaining single was unheard of.
- Men received all of the Women's inheritance when they were married.
- During the wedding ceremony women had to vow to obey their husbands.
Underclass Women
- The worst off of the three classes.
- Typically dressed in rags.
- They were deprived of any education or job opportunities.
- Often resorted to begging or prostitution.
Classes of Women
- Underclass women
- Lower-working class women
- Upper-working class women