Application of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems
Why should we adapt Renewable energy Systems?
- Global consumption of energy has grown up by 44%
- Primary sources of energy are non renewable sources of energy
- Depletion of this source of energy is irreversible
Energy Power Conservation
Process of Renewable and Distributed Energy System
- Renewable energy sources are sources of energy that are naturally replenished
- This includes Sunlight, Wind, Rain, Tides, Geothermal heat
- Renewable energy sources does not effect or pollute the environment
What is Renewable Energy
- Hence semiconductor-based power conversion represents a key enabling technology to meet the challenges of tomorrow’s electricity supply
- Power electronics technologies have been widely used in renewable energy systems like hydro power, municipal solid wastes, biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, wind power and tidal waves
Application of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy System
- Also non-renewable sources are not eco-friendly.
- This leads to greenhouse gas emissions which in turn leads to Global Warming.
- Hence more and more efforts are made to adapt Renewable Energy systems.
- Over the last few years there has been a lot of development in the power semiconductors devices.
- Many innovative equipment have been developed.
- The energy conversion efficiency is highest compared to the other energy sources
- Hence this is considered as the future energy source
- It can be used for variety of applications like transportation, stationery and portable power
Use of Power Electronics in Fuel cells
- The output voltage is low dc and in many cases line frequency ac is required, this requires voltage step up and dc-ac inversion
- To meet the dynamic load changes, energy back up is required
- This is where Power electronics is used
Energy conversion System using Dc-dc Converter
- It converts chemical energy from a fuel into electricity through a chemical reaction with an oxidizing agent
- The components used in a fuel cells are hydrogen, steam methane, hydrocarbons and alcohols like Methanol
Fuel Cell based energy Conversion System
- There should be more use of this energy system in countries where there is ample sunlight
- Increasing the working efficiency
Structure of Photovoltaic System
- Solar photovoltaic are completely based on the solar energy conversion principles
- There are many types of single and polycrystalline crystals are used in it
- These crystals provides 14% to 20% efficiency
- Wind energy is the most common Renewable source of energy
- Wind power, is an alternative to electricity generation methods using fossil fuels like coal
- Energy generation using wind does not have ill effects on the environment
- The recent developments are discovered of the crystals having 7% to 9% power efficiency