Lady bugs may seem like very simple living little creatures but they are kinda extraordinary little beings that do much more than watch after our tomato plants.
That is what I call a Ladybug!
The head is a HUGE part in a Ladybug.
It holds the brain which controls EVERYTHING. It has a protective hard shell to insure that it's controlling brain won't be hurt. It is at the top of the Ladybug.
The antennas also play a HUGE role in the life of a Ladybug. Ladybug's eye sight isn't very good so antennas work for the Ladybug like walking sticks work for the blind.
Legs are what they walk on. It is pretty self explanatory. But, on the legs there are little microscopical hooks so the Ladybug can grip anything it wishes to grasp.
The elytra are wing covers. They protect the fragile wings from damage. The vibrant colors on the elytra make the Ladybug seem as though it is poisonous and steers predators away.
The wing is what a Ladybug flies with. They are very fragile and are specially made for delicate flight.