The Dover Demon
The Description
The Dover Demon is a mysterious creature that
was seen along the roadside three seperate times
near the town of Dover, Massachusetts. As described
by witnesses, the creature is said to have a disproportionately large head and glowing orange eyes. It had lanky arms and legs with very thin fingers.
The Dover Demon was described as flesh colored without a single hair on its body.
First Siting
The first siting of the Dover Demon occured on April 21, 1977 by three seventeen year old boys who were passing through the area, when their headlights passed over the creature. At first they thought it to be a dog or cat, but as they approached it, they realized that it was something strange atop the stone wall along the street.
Second Siting
The second siting of the Dover Demon
happened about and hour after the first
siting by two teenagers once again. John
Baxter, 15, and Pete, Mitchell, 13, were walking
home when they spotted the creature. As
they approached, it ran into a gully and stopped
near a tree.
Third Siting
April 22, 1977, the day after the original siting, Will Traintor, 18, and Abby Brabham, 15, saw the mysterious creature for themselves. Just like the second encounter, these two hadn't heard anything about this creature. They were driving down the road and just happened to see the lifeform lying on the side of the road. Their description of it was nearly identical to that of the other two sitings.
In May of 2004, a photographer in Chile
was taking pictures of Chilean police
officers on horseback. In one of the
photos, a mysterious creature that looks
like the Dover Demon can be seen in
the background.
Possible Explanations
There are many different theories about what the Dover Demon may or may not be.
- Many people believe it to be an alien creature that closely resembles the stereotypical "grey" that is often seen in movies.
- Another theory is that it was transported here from an alternate dimension/ universe through a time warp.
- Still others think the creature is a mutant hybrid or experiment that escaped a lab.
- Certain skeptics say it resembles a baby moose.
- The fact that only teenagers saw the creature leads people to belive it was a hoax.
Lost Tapes Episode
A segment about the Dover Demon
appeared on the Animal Planet show,
Lost Tapes
The Dover Demon certainly is a mystery.
It's hard to find an explanation that makes
perfect sense to me. I tend to doubt the extraterrestrial theory for any mysterious phenomena. I can accept the explanation that it was a teenage prank but then what about the siting in chile? As said in the Lost Tapes episode, the creature can be explained by it being one of many exotic animals, which then would make sense for the siting in Chile. Unless the DOver Demon shows up again, I believe that it will remain a myster forever.
My Thoughts