AED /Defibrillator arrives
- check rhythm
- If shockable,
- give 1 shock ,
- resume CPR immediately for 5 cycles
- Not shockable
Mock Code Blue Inservice
1. Establish patient's unresponsiveness
-Assess the victim for a response. If no response, shout for help.
Assigned Roles
1. Team Leader (runs the code, usually a physician)
2. Medication Nurse
(IV Access)
3. Airway control
4. Chest Compressions
5. Recorder
6. Runner (s) retrieves items needed during the code
7. Crowd/Noise Control
8. Printing needed documents (demographics, med list)
Bring emergency equipment to the scene
- Place backboard under the patient to provide a firm surface under the patient, making chest compressions more effective
-attach O2 a full 15 l/min
-use BVM
-Ensure you have good ventilation by watching for rise and fall of chest
-many patients will vomit and suction is essential to maintain airway
-always establish two IV lines in a code situation.
- Establish cardiac monitoring
-Hook patient up to the EKG machine
-don't forget to continue CPR at all times
-chest compressions are hard to do, this person may need relief.
3. Open the victim's airway and check for breathing (take at least 5 seconds and no more than 10 seconds).
Remember, adults are often in V-fib and it is very important to get help on the way.
The chance of survival from cardiac arrest caused by V FIB falls by 7 to 10 percent with every minute that passes without CPR and defibrillation.
4. If no adequate breathing, give 2 breaths
5. Check the victims pulse (take at least 5 seconds and no more than 10 seconds).
6. If you do not feel a pulse, perform 5 cycles of compressions and ventilations (30:2).
2. Call 911/overhead page CODE BLUE
-Get the AED