Scientific Discoveries Timeline
- Evidence of water was found on Mars.
- Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto.
- September 8, 1600 William Gilbert discovered Earth's Magnetic Field.
- It is important to astronomy because,
- The first reflecting telescope was made by John Newton.
- This is important to astronomy because this telescope protects you from harm will looking at the sun and stars.
h Carinae brightens to become second brightest star. h Carinae is normally too faint to be seen, but between 1837 and 1860 it was the brightest star in the sky
- Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space
- Galileo Galilei became one of the first people to use a telescope.
- This discovery is very important to science because it helps them study and observe from far away and it can be innovated later on for more success.
- Christian Johann Doppler discovers the Doppler effect.
- The importance of this is astronomers or scientist can see the wavelength and frequency of a wave change.
- William Hershel discovered Uranus in 1731.
- This is importance to science for one, he clairifed Uranus as a planet, not a star. Also this was the first planet discovered by a telescope.