Comparison of Revolutionary Road (book) and American Beauty (movie)
Revolutionary Road: Gender role is a big theme.. “It does matter, though. It’s like when I mow the lawn, or something. I knew I should’ve left the passports and the travel agent for you to handle, but I was right there in the neighborhood and it seemed silly not to stop in. Oh, but I am sorry.” Also the expectation of the american dream
American Beauty: American dream, rebelion from conformity, there is also a
gender role issue but let present.
American Beauty Summary
- Takes place in the Suburb in 1999
- Lester and Carolyn Burnham are, on the outside, a perfect husband and wife in a perfect house in a perfect neighborhood
- Jane (the daughter) feels alone and unhappy
- Lester Burnham is in his mid-life crisis and wants more than a boring submisive life
- Carolyn cheated on Lester with Buddy Kane .
- Lester falls in love with daughter's friend, Angela
- Jane is in love with neighbor Ricky Fitts
April Wheeler: Carolyn Burnham
Mrs. Givings : Carolyn Burnham
Frank Wheeler: Lester Burnham
John Givings: Ricky Fitts
Similarities between Revolutionary Road and American Beauty
- Setting: Suburb are metaphors for failed american idealism or american dream
- Theme: American dream, gender role, normalicy and happiness
- conflict: man versus society(suburban life)
- Caracters: There is a big ressemblence between all the characters: Lester Burnham and Frank Wheeler, Carolyn Burnham and April Wheeler, Ricky Fitts and John Givings and Carolyn Burnham and Mrs. Givings
Revolutionary Road summary
- Revolutionary Road: Revolutionary Hill Estates in the 1950's “.. A perfectly dreadful new development called revolutionary Hill Estates-great hulking split levels, all in the most nauseous pastels and dreadfully expensive too, I can’t think why.” Said Mrs. Givings
- American Beauty: A suburb environment of the late 1990's, with home all exactly the same, a typical all white normal suburb neighborood.
- Comparison:
- setting: Suburb in the 1950's
- Protagonist: Frank and April Wheeler
- goal: go to paris to escape the suburbian life
- difficulties: April and Frank fight all the time and April gets pregnant with there third child
- They descide to stay in suburb until the kid is old enough for them to go to Paris
- Unexpected twist at the end!!
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