Lets begin with the Americas
The Aztecs
The Incas
The Aztec people relocated to Tenoctilan in 1345 c.e
The civilizations of the Post Classical era experienced significant changes because of their interactions with other societies which brought increased knowledge, higher populations, and economic stability however, these interactions also resulted in the decline of these very empires.
Cited Sources
The Post Classical Era of
Interactions between nomadic people greatly changed Asia
The Mongols greatly impacted the Chinese empire
- Established long distance trade
- Used China's own gunpowder methods to defeat them
"Classics, Religion, and Philosophy - South Asian Studies - LibGuides @ UM at University of Miami." Home - LibGuides @ UM at University of Miami. University of Miamis Libraries, 30 Apr. 2010. Web. 01 Dec. 2010. <http://libguides.miami.edu/content.php?pid=21553&sid=210660>.
This source is from a painting that was based off of an Indian transcript of wars that occured because of religion.
"China's Silk Road." CSC ... Your Best First Step in China. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.chinasageconsultants.com/html/silk_road.html>.
This source provided the buddhist statue which shows that religion spread
"Saludos Amigos! Fly Air Highways to the Americas, North Central and South." CLICK YOUR WAY AROUND THE WORLD WITH AIR HIGHWAYS - MAGAZINE OF OPEN SKIES. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.airhighways.com/americas.htm>.
"Signtseeings on ElTourismo.com." World's Top Hotels and Top Sightseeings | Tourism and Traveling. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.eltourismo.com/category/signtseeings/>.
"Buddhism and Its Spread Along the Silk Road." Silk Road.com. Silkroad Foundation. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.silk-road.com/artl/buddhism.shtml>.
This source provided the aztec map which showed that social interaction occured to spread religion
"De Bellis Antiquitatis Army 154 Mongols." Figuren Modellbau. 23 Feb. 2002. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.figuren-modellbau.de/dba-army-154-mongols.html>.
"The Mayan Calendar | Calendars." Webexhibits. IDEA. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.webexhibits.org/calendars/calendar-mayan.html>.
Pictured Sources
Unknown. “Early Civilizations in Afria.” World History. 5th ed. Ed. William J. Duiker, and Jackson J. Spielvogel. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2007. 219-230. Print.
ThinkQuest Team 16325. "Empires Past: Aztecs: Trade, Economy and Merchants" 31 August 1998. <http://library.thinkquest.org/16325/y-eco.html?tql-iframe> [Accessed 30 November 2010].
Lewis, Bernard. The Middle East: a brief history of the last 2,000 years. New York: Simon and Schuster Inc., 1996.
This was cite was important because it told of the history of the Middle east from 2000 years ago.
"Mesoamerica." Vanderbilt University | Nashville, Tennessee. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AnS/Anthro/Anth210/mesoamerica.htm>.
( Was the source of the Americas images)
Welker, Glenn. "The Aztecs/Mexicas." The Original ~ Indians.org. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <http://www.indians.org/welker/aztec.htm>.
"The Rize of the Aztec Civilization." Jrank.org. Ed. Michael E. Smith. Net Industries. Web. 1 Dec. 2010. <http://www.jrank.org/history/pages/5929/The-Rise-Aztec-Civilization.html>.
The Silk Route was a major contributer in the diffusion of ideas into Asia
Unknown. “The Expansion of Civilization in Southern Asia.” World History. 5th ed. Ed. William J. Duiker, and Jackson J. Spielvogel. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2007. 245. Print.
Xian, Fa. “The Expansion of Civilization in Southern Asia: The Good Life in Medieval India.” World History. 5th ed. Ed. William J. Duiker, and Jackson J. Spielvogel. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, 2007. 245. Print
Written Sources
- Buddhism, an outside religion was begining to become accepted into the asian societies
During 600-1450 c.e , Asia experienced many dramatic changes.
- New technologies developed
- Constant changing of government allowed for different methods to be used in Asia
Eastern and Western Europe
Question Two Period Two
Regions of Hundred Years' War
By Chris, Ikjot, Ivan, and Michael
- Silk Road Trade
- alliances made with the wealthy
- Hundred Years' War
- Crusades
- Middle Ages/Renaissance
The End
Middle East
- trade routes established economic stability and a good source of income
- religions (i.e. Buddhism and Islam) found their way into India by means of trade
- India's instability caused susceptibility to attack (i.e. Islam again)
- traded slaves
- conquered most of Europe
- made alliances
The Americas contained some of the worlds first advanced civilizations
for instance...
The Mayans were a sophisticated empire that made many notable achievments in science and mathematics
- Increased trade not only brought more goods to the Mayans but also brought more diversity as an empire
They also relied greatly on trade for resources
This resulted in the Aztecs becoming a warlike society in order to obtain more sacrafices....
And also because they strongly believed in sacraficing to please their gods.
The Aztecs were highly dependent on trading and interaction with other societies.
Trading because a large majority of their society gained their materials through merchants.
- Although the Inca's mainly traded between eachother they also traded with some of the coastal tribes nearby
The Inca civilization developed around 1000 A.D
- The largest and most sophisticated society to develop in the Americas
The Middle East
- The Inca empire greatly expanded near the late 1400s, through its strong army of 40,000.
The Americas
Overall, The ancient civilizations of the Americas did not experience major changes culturaly because of war or trade.
Islam's Conquest of Europe
..However trade and war did increase the sizes of these empires economically and physically for the time being
- trans-saharan/Mediterranen trade
- brought in religions/ideas
Now lets see what was happening on the other side of the world at this time...