There was once a girl named Little Red Riding Hood. She wanted to give some goodies to her sick Grandmother. But, on Little Red's journey she ran into a Big Bad Wolf. So the Big Bad Wolf beat Little Red to Grandma's house to pretend to be Grandma. Then,the huntsman scared the wolf away and Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother lived happily ever after.
Little Red Riding Hood
Story Plot Map
Definition: Where the conflict is dealt with and the story comes to a reasonable ending.
Example:When Little Red Riding Hood finds Grandma, and they live happily ever after.
Rising Action
Definition: This is where the reader learns about the main conflict.The plot thickens in the rising action as well.
Example:When Little Red runs into the Wolf in the woods on the way to her Grandmother's house.
Falling Action
Definition:Where we are introduced to the main characters and main setting.You might get a first glimpse of the main conflict/problem.
Example: Little Red Riding Hood has her basket of goodies to bring to her sick grandmother.
Definition: It's the turning point of the story.The main character is directly faced with the conflict and experiences some unexpected changes.
Example: The big bad wolf scares Grandma who faints.He then jumps in the bed and pretends to be Grandma.
Definition: It focuses on the effects that the conflict has had on the characters.
Example: When the huntsman finds the Wolf in Grandma's house and scares the Big Bad Wolf away.