Who is the Communicatior?
Educate or Entertain?
- aberrant decoding
- identifying the communicator: three simultaneous levels
- the image on the screen
- the broadcasting institution
- the culture for which the message is meainingful
- offer fresh knowledge
- teach practical skills
- entertainment to help relieve everyday pressure
- make people forget what made them unhappy
Mass Consumption or Mass Communication?
- audience as a 'market'
- metaphorical language: 'product' and 'market'
- tv is communication and mass
- the way the audience communicate
- mass media influence individuals
The General Conditions which Bear upon the Effect of Communication
- Greater monopoly of source over recipient -> greater effect in favour of the source
- Greatest effects: where the message is in line with the beliefs of the receiver
- The most effective shifts: on unfamiliar issues
- Source is believed to have expertise, power
- The social context, group will mediate the communication and influence whether or not it is accepted
The Functions of Television
The Hypodermic Needle
It's a model of communications suggesting that an intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver.
As a mass, an audience displays the following characteristics:
- It comprises people from all walks of life
- It comprises anonymous individuals
- Its members share little experience with each other
- Its members are disunited
De Fleur and Ball-Rokeach:
- The need to understand one's social world
- The need to act meaningfully and effectively in that world
- The need for fantasy-escape from daily problems and tensions
Uses and Gratifications
Basic needs to be fulfilled by the mass media
(according to Katz):
- cognitive needs
- affective needs
- personal integrative needs
- social integrative needs
- tension-release needs
The Functional Tradition
Most important assumptions:
- Individualism: mass communicator - individual viewer
- Abstraction: individual's needs are the same culture and society do not matter
- Functionalism: tv is used to satisfy needs
The Leading Factors of the Rising Popularity of Television
- Shorter working hours
- Increased family resources available for leisure
- Activities changed: previously knitting, chatting, dozing
- Tv has brought new stimulus: more books, magazines, newspaper, music and films