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Asian Swamp Eel

Monopterus albus

Quick Facts

Native To:

Asia from Northern India and Burma to China

How They Got Here

They were probably introduced to North America by aquarium release, stocking as a food source, or escaped from fish farms during flooding events. Swamp eels have established populations in Florida, Georgia, and Hawaii on the island of Oahu.

What We Can Do to Help

  • Do not release of bait into a water body
  • Do not transport bait from one water body to another
  • Do not release any aquarium fish into local waters.
  • Do not intentionally stock these fish.


Control Measures currently being evaluated include a combination of electrical barriers (to prevent movement), removal of varieties of vegetation, and trapping to assist in limiting dispersal. Electroshocking is sometimes used for collection.

What are Their Impacts

Asian swamp eels eat a broad range of prey, including fish, shrimp, crayfish, frogs, turtle eggs, and aquatic worms and insects. Swampeel competition may force native aquatic species elsewhere for resources. They may accelerate the drying of shallow water bodies during periods of drought becase they have an extensive burrow system, thereby causing additional risk to other aquatic organisms.


What does it look like

Asian swamp eels are not true eels. Swamp eels have a scaleless, elongated body with a tapering tail and blunt snout. Their teeth appear like bristles and they have one V-shaped gill located beneath the head.


The swamp eels preferred environment includes a wide variety of freshwater habitats: shallow wetlands, stagnant waters, marshes, streams, rivers, ditches, canals, lakes, reservoirs, and ponds but can tolerate brackish and saline conditions. Swamp eels appear to tolerate cold temperatures well and are able to tolerate wide range of water oxygen levels; if not using gills underwater, they can obtain up to 25% of oxygen from air through their skin.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of the Asian swamp eel takes place solely in freshwater. All young are females. Some females develop into males as adults, however, males can change back to females if female densities are low. The change from one sex to the other can take up to a year. Eggs are laid in bubble nests located in shallow waters. These bubble nests float at water’s surface and are not attached to aquatic vegetation.

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