DEBATE:Is religion a good or bad thing?
What is religion?
The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
My opinion
How many religions are there in existence today ?
There are about 21 major world religions today.But the exact number is unknown ; every country is believed to have its own beliefs and religions.
Which leads back to the question ...
In my opinion , i believe that the world would be a better place without religion therefore, i will be debating against it.
The positives of religion
Why believe in a religion ?
Scientists have proven that faith can relieve pain , however they also claim more intelligent people are less likely to believe in God ; the other concepts of how the world has come to been is much more logical.
The Big Bang Theory
The big bang theory will always contradict religion , this may be why there are so many religions today, causing all types of historical and present day happenings ...
Obviously religion has plus sides as well as the negatives this is why the arguments over religion still exist
Over many centuries religion has caused both wars and conflicts upon the world ,one of the main reasons is because they want people to follow there way of life because they believe they are right.
What disasters has religion been a part of?
This has a knock on effect and causes other religions to fight back , because they believe they are right .
In my opinion this shows that the truth is not been told from a religous point of view, as everyone still fights for there religion even today...
Religion manages to give people hope, and even something to live for in some cases. Also persuades people not to sin ( live a good way of life ) these guidelines to live a good way of life in certain religions can be found in a book called the bible, which can also be considered a positive because people may find it a good book.
WW2 concentration camps
In my opinion religion is just an excuse to believe in something , all religions believe in basically the same thing which means that all disasters caused by religion have been a pointless experiment .
These two images may be just two examples however, they have many obvious similarities ,and represent what prejudice against religion can do ...
Some people have gone as far to believe that the movie star wars and
the Jedi knights is an actual religion ...They believe that you can control things with the mind sadly this is impossible however, they are still waiting for somebody to be born who can do this!
The two situations are two prime examples of singling out atheists, and people of different religions because ,they believe they are supreme to others.
So as long as there is religion, or until a truth is told there will always be conflicts or disasters in the World.