What is a hyphen?
A punctuation mark used to divide or to compound words, word elements, or numbers.
Colons, Semi-colons, and Hyphens
What is a colon?
A colon is a punctuation mark indicating that a writer is introducing a quote or a list of items. It may also be used to separate two parts of a sentence of which the second adds on or illustrates the first.
What is a semi-colon?
A semi-colon is a punctuation mark indicating a pause, typically between two main clauses, that is more pronounced than that indicated by a comma.
For example:
Unicorns are my favourite animal; however, my friends says they don’t exist
For example:
Our team consists of Joe, the Gorilla trainer; Steve, the bus driver; and Paul, the lunch lady.
Here are the rules on how to use a semi-colon:
- May be used to create a pause between clauses.
- Helps avoid run-on sentences as well as to avoid confusion between list items.
- Avoid using a comma when a semi-colon is needed
- Avoid using a semi-colon when a comma is needed
For example:
Incorrect I like cows, however, I hate the way they smell.
Correct: I like cows; however, I hate the way they smell.
For example:
Incorrect: I love my cat; but he drives me crazy!
Correct: I love my cat, but he drives me crazy!
For example:
Dear Mrs. Nimmo:
* A comma is used for a more informal greeting. *
- Always use a colon rather than a comma to follow the salutation in a business letter. A comma is used for a more informal greeting.
- Colons are used to separate units of time, titles, and Bible verses and chapters.
For example:
In time: 0:45:00
In titles: Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows
In Bible verses and chapters: Matthew 2:24
He is going to his mother-in-law's house for dinner tomorrow night.
This shows that the component words have a combined meaning.
For example:
You will be required to bring multiple things: sleeping bags, warm clothing, pillows, and water bottles.
* Do not capitalize the first item following the colon unless it is a proper noun *
There are two main uses for hyphens:
- in compound words
- to join prefixes to other words
Joan is a self-taught pianist.
For example:
Incorrect I want: milk, bread and butter.
Correct I want milk, bread and butter.
* This sentence does not require a colon because it follows the verb want. *
For example:
I would like an assistant who can do the following:
- input data
- write reports
- complete tax forms
* Exception: if each point is a complete sentence. They would require capitalization and proper ending punctuation. *
These are the pool rules:
- Do not run.
- Report unsafe behaviour.
- Have fun!
Here are the rules on how to use a colon:
- Introduces an item or a list.
- Restrain from using a colon before a list if it immediately follows a verb or a preposition that would normally not require punctuation in that sentence.
- List items one by one and one per line when following a colon; capitalization is optional when listing single words or sentences proceeded by letters, numbers or bullet points.
- May be used between two independent clauses instead of a semi-colon when the second sentence explains, illustrates, paraphrases or expands on the first.
Halloween is on the thirty-first of October.
Using hyphens in sentences:
- writing numbers from 21 to 99
- using prefixes such as all-, self-, and ex-
The hockey players have to learn to co-operate if they want to win a game.
For example:
She deserves what she worked for: she really earned that role.
Hyphens vs. Dashes
- are used to join two or more words together
- indicate an interrupted or unfinished statement
- are NOT separated by spaces
- are separated by spaces on either side