Community, Identity, Stability
Individual Freedom
Brave New World
by Aldous Huxley
World State Society
Leisure Activities
- Everyone must work together in order to maximize the greatest happiness
- Feelies, solidarity services, special golf courses = prevent self-reflection
- Developed through leisure activities and views on sex
- Provides pleasure and distractions for citizens = so they can't think critically
-Solidarity Services: 12 people consuming soma together then participating in an orgy
-Feelies: allows citizens to feel extreme feelings (like in our world) but in a safe place
- Asides from work, these are the only options for entertainment
- Must attend these activities or take a Soma holiday
- Emphasizes idea of being a community
- Viewed as a social activity rather than the means of reproduction
- Confronted by the same cultural activities
- One is practically rewarded for promiscuity and lack of commitment
"Everyone belongs to everyone else" (pg. 29)
- Reinforced to encourage having sex with everyone
- Allows satisfaction for the individuals and prevents any development of strong feelings between people if everyone is sleeping with everyone
- Allows for deprivation of individuality
- Self reflection is forbidden
- Developing strong interactions with others is also forbidden
- Who they are as a person; defined by personality, values, beliefs, perceptions
- Identity is built through: the influences of their upbringing and emotions that inhibit their minds
- Controlling of their emotions serves to maintain happiness while depriving them of individual freedom
- Upbringing consists of genetic and behavioral engineering to achieve individuals that lack individuality
- Upbringing by ova from surgically removed ovaries that are fertilized and incubated in specially designed bottles
- Before one is decanted or "born", their life is already determined
- Born into castes and undergo special treatment
-Oxygen deprivation
-Alcohol treatment
- Ensures that lower castes (Gamma, Delta and Epsilons) are inferior and less intelligent than the Alpha and Beta individuals
- Lower Castes endure Bokhanovsky Process
- One egg to divide into 96 embryos with 72 being a good average
- Identical tasks at identical machines
- No choice in who they want to be but happiness remains
- Taught to love their caste and their work suited for their mental abilities through sleep lessons and classes
- The artificial process, says the Director, aims to make individuals accept and even like “their inescapable social destiny.” (pg. 16)
Controlling Emotions
- Hypnopaedia
- Shock Therapy
- Lessons
“Hypnopaedia is the greatest moralizing and socializing force of all time.” (pg. 28)
- Be happy with their identity
- Lost their uniqueness
-Can't think for themselves
-Can't come up with new ideas
-Can't question society's methods
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Controlling Emotions
- Emotions controlled when they are death conditioned
- Unable to care for someone because they only know what they are taught
- Identity is specially engineered genetically and behaviorally
- Every individual is restricted to their caste and its set of rules
-No chance of improving in improving their state
-No strong feelings
-Happy individuals without any questions, needs, wishes and hopes
- Happiness is maintained with their identity, but their freedom to be an individual is destroyed
- Allows citizen's happiness because they are taught to believe they are free
- Viewing this society from the outside looking in, we know that these individuals aren't indeed free
- They know nothing different than the World State society
- Motto maintains everyone's happiness but causes loss of freedom
- World State's motto: "Community, Identity, Stability"
- Reinforced to maintain happiness
- Individual freedom must be sacrificed
- Exploring the community of the World State, identities of the individuals and the stability of the society
"arguably the best tool the government has for controlling its population"
By: Kendra Ridley and Jihane Rahimi
- Sedate, calm, and distract a person from any strong or negative feelings
- It's artificial happiness that helps release an individual from reality and forget their troubles
- Maintains stability because civilians are encouraged to consume it regularly
- Distracted and incapable of any thoughts
- Consume soma when everything goes wrong
- Feelings of unhappiness consume them or reflect upon the system is not allowed
"A gramme is better than a damn."
-Throw out old clothes instead of mending them
-Prefer complicated games that require lots of equipment
- Economic growth and prosperity
"Community, Identity, Stability"
- Individual freedom is lost
- Citizens of the World State don't realize their individual freedom is sacrificed
- Only know what they are taught and nothing different from their society
"I am free. Free to have the most wonderful time. Everybody's happy nowadays." (pg. 79)
- The result from the behavioral and genetic engineering of one's identity and the connected community
"There is no civilization without social stability. No social stability without individual stability" (pg. 28)
- Individual stability achieved through the alterations and decided identities and the tight knit community
- Soma and consumerism allows for stability
- Citizens are happy + society is stable = no individual freedom
- Unable to be isolated or think or reflect on topics other than they are allowed
- Never question social system as long as they are happy
- Stable caste system and no conflicts
-Enforced consumption
-Aspect of unchangeable and predestined identity
-Close connected community help create stability within the society
- Stability results in happiness but suppresses their freedom
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