Have fun while Learning
First we will start out trip in the mouth where the process of digestion begins.
Here we need to be careful to not get caught in the chewing of the molars. We are in the mouth we will find saliva that looks to breakdown starches so be careful to keep your hands and feet in the cart the whole ride.
The Esophagus
From the mouth we will have a free fall into the esophagus here we will be transported to the stomach. The process is done trough peristalsis which is the process of the muscles in the esophagus contracting and pushing us downward towards the stomach where the digestion trip continues.
The Stomach
The stomach is a sack like organ.Here the food is churned and bathed in a very strong acid called gastric acid. This acid is very strong and should not be played with because it can cause burns and injuries.
Small Intestine
After food is digested in the stomach it is pushed into the small intestine. This is a 20 foot long muscle that is sometimes compared to a straw. Here we will see Bile and other enzymes help breakdown the food. We have decorated the Small Intestine with mirrors and plenty of lights to make this long trip one to enjoy.
Large Intestine
After passing the small Intestine we will pass into the large Intestine. Here some of the water and electrolytes are removed from the food for the bodies use. Hold your small children so that they don't get absorbed also. Many Microbes help in the Large Intestine for digestion.
The end of the Trip
All the digested wastes is stored in the rectum until excreted by the anus. We will need to be careful when leaving the anus because when we drop we will get wet from the water we will land in so bring clothes you dont mind to get wet.
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