Liverpool's Waterfront
- Multi-use attraction
- Kings Dock
- Brownfield
- Chain Hotels
- 11,000 capacity arena
- 1,600 space car park.
- Pier Head
- Museums
- Galleries
- Events
- Success
Liverpool One
Liverpool Ropewalks
- £1 Billion
- Brought Liverpool into top 5 retail destinations in the UK
- Built on a Brownfield site
- Criticised for alienating local businesses and for shifting Liverpool's Shopping
- Good/Bad??
- Economically, the profit outweighs the cost massively
- Made the area look a lot better and has brought Liverpool residents a big attraction for spending their money, which goes back into the local economy
- Centre of night-time economy
- City centre
- public access
- 'Design out'
- 815 jobs
- Pedestrian priority
- Graffiti
- Benefits outwieghs costs.
Why did it need rebranding?
Has it been a Success?
- Pop Music
- European Capital of culture -2008
- Economy boosted
- More visitors
- World heritage site
- Shopping
- Social and economic deprivation in the 1980's
- De-industrialisation
- Ports on the wrong side of the country
- 150,000 redundancies between 1975 and 1978
- out-migration
- 1981 Riots
- 1981 2nd most deprived local authority in Britain.
Liverpool - Urban Rebranding Case Study