Happy Valentines Day
Valentines Day
But either way....
You Will Be Happy
What do I want???
Well it's simple. Here are some things that i want:
a big stuffed bear!!!
Here are some pictures of love
Stuffed Bear
sweet hearts
Thank You For Watching!!!
I love You
Marisa Blankenship
OMG!!! I actually got something
for Valentines day!!!! :)
I love it at my house but at school
I hate it!!!! Everyone has chocolates
and bears excpt for me! Im not
trying to be selfish it's just the truth
Now what is my way of saying happy
Valentines day? It's my opinion so...
don't be offended.
This is what it is to ME!
They Make The World Happy!!
Some is true
nothing to special
Well there is one thing I like about
Valentines day.....
And some may be an opinion
So Much Love In The Air
(cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr
(cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr
(cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr
San Francisco
(cc) photo by Franco Folini on Flickr
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