Além dos critérios aqui mencionados lembre-se de fazer uma pesquisa sobre o seu tema, utilizar apenas o texto fornecido por sua professora não é o suficiente!!
O que devo fazer em sala de aula?
Que teorias devem guiar minhas preparações de aula?
A postmethod perspective on English language teaching
An alternative TO methods or an alternative method?
MACROSTRATEGIC FRAMEWORK - form groups of 3 people and think of examples for each strategy
Bottom-up process
Teachers take the initiative to construct a pedagogy that is sensitive to their local needs, wants and situations.
Postmethod pedagogy consists of the parameters of particularity, practicality and possibility. The parameters of particularity is based on the belief that any language teaching program "must be sensitive to a particular group of teachers teaching a particular group learners pursuing a particular set of goals within a particular institutional context embedded in a particular socialcultural milieu". (KUMARAVADIVELU, 2001)
Wikipedia, multiliteracies
Practicality refers to the relationship between theory and practice. The division between theorists and teachers is unfortunate and unproductive. The parameter of practicality goes beyond this marginalized dichotomy and aims for a personal theory of practice generated by the practicing teacher.
1 - Maximaze learning opportunities.
2 - Minimize perceptual mismatches.
3 - Facilitate negotiated interaction.
4 - Promote learner autonomy.
5 - Foster language awareness.
6 - Activate Intuitive heuristics.
7 - Contextualize linguistic input.
8 - Integrate language skills.
9 - Ensure social relevance.
10 - Raise cultural consciousness.
Possibility is direved mainly from Frein critical pedagogy that seeks empower classroom participants so that they can critically reflect on the social and historical conditions contributing to create the cultural forms and interested knowledge they encounter in their lives. Learners should appropriate the English language and use it in their own terms according to their own values and visions.
What is the post-method???
Abordagem comunicativa, pedagogia crítica e letramento crítico - farinhas do mesmo saco?
Abordagem Comunicativa?????
Pedagogia Crítica????
Letramento crítico????
Examples of a lesson plan
Seminários - colocando a mão na massa!!!
The beginning
1940-1940 + ou -
The first method cited in literature is the Grammar translation method. Its origins dates from the XVIII century when Latin was taught through books with grammar points.
- morphology and syntax were frozen
- minimum oral practice
Dinâmica de sala de aula
- Comece seu seminário com um exemplo prático do método que está demonstrando.
- Seja conciso
- Prepare sua apresentação em língua inglesa
Chegar no horário
Leituras semanais
Aulas de prática - uma mistura de português e inglês
Respeito aos pares
Dedicação - como aproveitar minhas aulas de Prática?
Distinction between Approach x Method x technique
Prática de Ensino III
Plano de ensino
According to Edward Anthony (1963)
"The arrangement is hierarchical [...] techniques carry out a method which is consistent with an approach"
O que você sabe sobre metodologias de ensino?????
A technique is implementational, that is, happens in e classroom. They are consistent with a method and therefore in harmony with an approach
Method is a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular approach or theory of language learning. While an approach is axiomatic, a method is procedural .
An approach is a set of correlative assumption dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning.
It is axiomatic
Ex: drills
Ex: CLT or the reform movement
Ex: grammar translation
CLT - Communicative Language Teaching
CLT was the result of a questioning of the assumptions and practices associated with Situational Language Teaching (SLT) which taught English by practicing basic Structures in meaningful situation-based activities
- Described as an approach (not method) by Americans and British proponents, CLT aimed to make communicative competence the goal of language teaching.
- CLT prompted a rethinking of classroom teaching methodology. Some of the principles are
Real communication is the focus for learning
Provide opportunities for sts to try out what they know
It is tolerant with errors
Provide opportunities for learners to develop both fluency and accuracy
Link the 4 skills together, as in the real world.
Allow sts to discover grammar rules
Talk to your friend about the following questions
Which English Schools do you know?
What approach or methods do they use? Why? How?
Do you use an approach or method when teaching?
Metodologias de Ensino de Língua (adicional)
Datas Avaliações
Avaliação 1 -
Seminário -
Datas dos Seminários
- Whole language - Marco e Isabela - 10/05 - Cap 7
- Competency-Based Language teaching, standards and CEFR - Melissa, Vitória e Paola - 17/05 - cap 8
- Cooperative Language learning - Fabiana e Camila - 17/05 e 24/05 - Cap 13
- Multiple Inteligence - Andressa e Yasmin - 24/05 - cap 12
- Task-based language learning - Rayele e Giovana - 31/05 - cap 9
- CBI and CLIL - Mariana, Nathália, Ygor - 31/05 e 07/06 - Cap 6
- Text-based instruction - Laura, Mayole, Thayne - 07/06 - cap10
- The lexical approach - Gabriele e Amanda - 14/06 - cap 11
- Teachers, approaches and methods - Lucas, Ezequiel e Isabela - 21/06 - Cap 20
- KUMARAVADIVELU, B. Critial language pedagogy A postmethod perspective on English lnaguage teaching. World Englishes, Vol. 22, n 4, p 539-550, 2003. - 28/07
Capítulo 19 - LEARNERS - Approaches and methods in Language teaching - 05/07
JORDÃO, C. Abordagem comunicativa, pedagogia crítica e letramento crítico - farinhas do mesmo saco? - 12/07
Review - 19/07
Test - 26/07
PS - 02/08
Prática de Ensino III